The live stream of the service is here. We will start streaming at 10.25am.
If for any reason, if you are unable to attend church on Sunday, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and you’ll get notifications of each new video. If you aren’t subscribed and you’d like to be click here.
(To get notices on this page please email – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)
Love Girlington
Do you live in Girlington? Have a heart for the people of that area? Desire to see God’s Kingdom come in that part of our parish? If so, you are warmly invited to join a new group meeting each Thursday evening at St Philips Church 7:30pm. We will sing, pray and seek God’s blessing on Girlington. For more information, please speak to Ben.
There are many in our parish who regularly give to the church through a Direct Debit to our bank account. If you do – firstly thank you so much for your generosity! As we mentioned in the APCM it would be a great help if you transferred across to using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 20% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too!
Also don’t forget that if you give on the card machine as long as your gift is £30 or under we can claim 25% back on that too!
Have a blessed weekend!