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Sunday 6th March – International Communion – Genuine Faith

Summary of the Book of James - Bible Survey |

Happy March everyone!! This week as we enter a new month we are finishing our series on Genuine Faith. We will be learning about the Power of Prayer, and reading from James chapter 5. Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.  Don’t forget this is our international service when we celebrate that we have so many people living and worshiping with us in other languages.

Live stream for our service will be available via this link –


“Extended Prayer and Praise” – Join us next Sunday from 7-8pm at St Philip’s Church

Lent Course

During Lent we will run a Lent Course – “Tales of the Unexpected”

  • Monday Evening @ St Philips starting at 7pm: 21st March, 28th March, 4th April, 11th April
  • Thursday Daytime @ St Martins starting at 12 noon: 24th March, 31st March, 7th April, 14th April

‘The Mills Are Alive’ from Thursday 3rd to 5th March 2022, every evening from 6pm till 9pm, is an epic free projection show and will illuminate the Lister Mills’ chimney.The Mills Are Alive will use music, light, and colour to share the histories and imagined futures of Manningham and its people.
From stories of previous mill workers to the dreams of local school children, see the brickwork come to life and celebrate the rich cultures of our community. You can find out more at:

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Sunday 27th February – Parish All Age Worship – Genuine Faith

RESOURCES - Grove Park Church

This Sunday our series on Genuine Religion continues, reading in James chapter 4. We will be discussing Genuine Humility and Drawing close to God, we really hope to see you there with us.

Live stream for our service will be available via this link –


Ash Wednesday – as we begin Lent we have two services on 2nd March. As usual we have a 10.30am Communion Service at St Barnabas Church. We will also have a 6pm service at St Martin’s Church

Lent Course – “Tales of the Unexpected”

During Lent we hope to run a Lent Course in the evening and around lunch time – times to be firmed up in the next few weeks

But if you’re interested please book it in your diaries.

Monday Evening @ St Philips starting at 7pm: 21st March, 28th March, 4th April, 11th April

Thursday Daytime @ St Martins starting at 12 noon: 24th March, 31st March, 7th April, 14th April

‘The Mills Are Alive’ from Thursday 3rd to 5th March 2022, every evening from 6pm till 9pm, is an epic free projection show and will illuminate the Lister Mills’ chimney.The Mills Are Alive will use music, light, and colour to share the histories and imagined futures of Manningham and its people.
From stories of previous mill workers to the dreams of local school children, see the brickwork come to life and celebrate the rich cultures of our community. You can find out more at:

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed! Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!

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Sunday 20th February – Communion Service with Sunday School – Genuine Faith

The Book of James - Week 6

This Sunday we continue with our series on Genuine Religion, looking at James chapter 3, focusing on Genuine Wisdom – controlling your tongue.

Live stream for our service will be available via this link –

This latest piece of art at St Paul’s is called ‘Gathered‘ bringing people at the Monday Place of Welcome together for a shared activity.  People from England, Scotland, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Morocco and Kenya have all made the circles together, cutting them out of fabric, sewing a hem around the edge and then gathering them in to make the smaller circles.  They look better arranged and gathered together than individual circles on their own.  They are all different shapes, colours and sizes, just like us.


Ash Wednesday – as we begin Lent we have two services on 2nd March. As usual we have a 10.30am Communion Service at St Barnabas Church.  We will also have a 6pm service at St Martin’s Church

Lent Course –  “Tales of the Unexpected”

During Lent we hope to run a Lent Course in the evening and around lunch time – times to be firmed up in the next few weeks

But if you’re interested please book it in your diaries.

Monday Evening @ St Philips starting at 7pm:    21st March, 28th March, 4th April, 11th April

Thursday Daytime @ St Martins starting at 12 noon:   24th March, 31st March, 7th April, 14th April


‘The Mills Are Alive’ from Thursday 3rd to 5th March 2022, every evening from 6pm till 9pm, is an epic free projection show and will illuminate the Lister Mills’ chimney.

The Mills Are Alive will use music, light, and colour to share the histories and imagined futures of Manningham and its people.
From stories of previous mill workers to the dreams of local school children, see the brickwork come to life and celebrate the rich cultures of our community.  You can find out more at:


COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed!  Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!



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Sunday 13th February – Parish Breakfast Church – Genuine Faith

This Sunday we continue with our series on Genuine Religion, looking at James chapter 2.

As usual we don’t livestream this service as it is Breakfast Church.

Also, after the service we have out Parish Forum 11.45am – 1.30pm, we would love to see you there. (Advance Warning – we’ll be asking some questions about giving to the Parish at the Forum – so come prepared!)


Lent Course –  “Tales of the Unexpected”

During Lent we hope to run a Lent Course in the evening and around lunch time – times to be firmed up in the next few weeks

But if you’re interested please book it in your diaries.

Monday Evening @ St Philips      21st March, 28th March, 4th April, 11th April

Thursday Daytime @ St Martins      24th March, 31st March, 7th April, 14th April

Just a little reminder that we have made a small tweak to our service pattern, which started last week.  We will have 2 services a month when the children and adults learn separately.  On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month.  2nd Sunday is still Breakfast church.  The All Age service will move from the 1st Sunday of the month to the 4th.  We will also try to particularly focus on our international members on the First Sunday of the month.

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed!  Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!



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Sunday 6th February – Worship & Communion Service – Genuine Faith

Who Wrote the Book of James - Author and Major Themes

On Sunday we are starting a brand new series at St Paul’s Church, about being genuine within ourselves, with other people and most importantly in our faith. This service will have international worship, Communion and Sunday School.

We will begin looking at the letter from James (chapter 1), focusing on Genuine Religion.

As usual we will livestream this service, see link to join –


Lent Course –  “Tales of the Unexpected”

During Lent we hope to run a Lent Course in the evening and around lunch time – times to be firmed up in the next few weeks

But if you’re interested please book it in your diaries.

Monday Evening @ St Philips      21st March, 28th March, 4th April, 11th April

Thursday Daytime @ St Martins 24th March, 31st March, 7th April, 14th April

From this week we will make a small tweak to our service pattern.  We will have 2 services a month when the children and adults learn separately.  On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month.  2nd Sunday is still Breakfast church.  The All Age service will move from the 1st Sunday of the month to the 4th.  We will also try to particularly focus on our international members on the First Sunday of the month.

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed!  Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!



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Sunday 30th January – Youth Led Communion Service – The One Leper on the Road

On Sunday we have our Youth leading the Service at St Paul’s Church.

This week the topic is ‘The one leper on the road.’

This will be the last week for this series “On the Road”, it’s been a great series to do with you all. Next week we will move to look at the Letter from James together.

As usual we will livestream this service, see link to join –


In February we will make a small tweak to our service pattern.  We will have 2 services a month when the children and adults learn separately.  On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month.  2nd Sunday is still Breakfast church.  The All Age service will move from the 1st Sunday of the month to the 4th.  We will also try to particularly focus on our international members on the First Sunday of the month.

Torrens family – you may remember that we support the Torrens family ministering in the Ukraine.  You’ll know it is in the news a lot at the moment so please pray for safety and wisdom for them at this complicated time!  If you didn’t know about the Torrens family working in Kyiv, Ukraine you can find out more here. They contributed to one of our Youtube services in June 2020. Sarah used to attend St Philip’s Church.

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed!  Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!



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Sunday 23rd January – Communion Service – Jesus Lost in the Temple

On Sunday we have a Communion Service at St Paul’s Church with Sunday School.

This week the topic is Jesus Lost in the Temple

We have only one more week with this “On the Road” series before we move to look at the Letter from James

We will livestream this service at the usual link –


COVID-19 hasn’t gone away!  Please remember your mask and keep up the handwashing and distancing!

Sunday 23rd January 2022 – is the week for Christian Unity.  In the past we met all together with churches from across our area for a United Service.  This year due to COVID it is scaled back so our service at St Paul’s will be continuing as normal.  Some of you may want to go and support this great event at 10.30 in Westgate Baptist Church, 107 Carlisle Road, BD8 8BY

In case you missed the information posted last week about our new curate please see the introduction to Emma Wilkinson