Palm Sunday 2021

You will not be surprised to learn that Palm Sunday will be different this year.  We are going to walk around the Parish Boundary.  In our bubbles, but connected digitally.

The Plan

You may remember that last year we did some virtual trips around the Parish like in this video below

This time we are actually going to go ourselves!  Read on for how……

We will meet at 6 locations around our Parish boundary and set off on 12 different prayer walks that will take in a part of the boundary and then go into the Parish a little to circle back around to the start point. We will be socially distant but connected on WhatsApp.  We’d like you to take photos, post prayers and comments – perhaps even a video or two of something that you want to share with the Parish.

Those of you who can’t come will be able to follow our progress virtually from home and contribute to the thoughts, visions and ideas from the walkers.  We will then watch a summary video together of where we went and what we saw and said at 7.30pm as a Youtube service.

The Meeting Points

We will meet at 6 locations at 11am on Sunday 28th March 2021 – clocks go forward overnight so check the right time before you come!

Walks 1 & 2 will meet at the bottom of Chellow Dene Reservoirs

Walks 3 & 4 will meet at the Junction of the Ring Road and Thornton Road by Morrisons

Walks 5 & 6 will meet above Hamm Strasse where Drewton Rd meets the B6144

Walks 7 & 8 will meet at the Norman Arch – Lister Park

Walks 9 & 10 will meet at Long Lane in Heaton – just off Bingley Road

Walks 11 & 12 will meet at the car park at the top of Chellow Dene Reservoirs

Some of you will walk away clockwise, the others anti-clockwise and you may well meet again!  We will make sure to have Palm Crosses for you to carry if you wish.

The  Maps

Some walks are more challenging than others.  Please say on the group which walk you’re planning to do – we need to make sure all 12 are covered. This link to the Walk Maps has a map of the whole boundary which is just under 13 miles – then each walk numbered 1-12.

Some will clearly be city walks, some will clearly be countryside – Walk 9 is the longest and steepest – Walk 5 is the shortest and flattest.  More details at the link above.

The WhatsApp Group

If you’re reading this on a computer you can scan this image

Or if you’re on your phone – just click this link:

This group is not for sharing information like our other groups – please only use this for Palm Sunday 2021.


Or course you can do 3 or 4 or all the walks – we don’t mind.  You can run them, you can crawl too!  If you can’t meet at 11 and want to go “early in the morning while it is still dark” that is also fine.  It would be great however to have a good number of people at the meeting points for a sense of doing this together.  Feel free to turn up at 11 having just run the whole boundary!