
Our work is possible mainly through the kindness and generosity of our friends. We deeply appreciate your financial support of our activities in the community.

You can give by Credit Card and include Giftaid here.Or by card or cash at Church services.

If you are a member of our church the very best way to give is by using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 25% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too!

Or, you can send a personal cheque made out to the PCC of Girlington, Heaton and Manningham to this address:

Parish Office
63 St Paul’s Road

The PCC of Girlington, Heaton and Manningham is a registered charity and its fundraising activities are directed by the Parish Council.

PCC Registered Charity Number: 1169954

Please note that your donation is non-refundable.