We welcome inquiries from anyone seeking information about the Parish. Ask us about what it means to be Christian, or about our work in Bradford.
Telephone number for Church issues NOT Hall Bookings!
07434 627013
(This number is for church matters like baptisms, weddings, funerals and emergencies. It is not for hall booking or for questions about a community project. All of these things can be dealt with by looking on our website or by emailing us for more information – thanks for understanding!)
Email: parish@bradfordwest.church or leave a comment below. Don’t forget to say who the comment is for, and which church you are referring to – we have four!
Parish office postal address:
Parish Office
63 St Paul’s Road
Bradford, BD8 7LS
GDPR – for those on our Electoral Roll you may wish to see a copy of our Privacy Notice
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Hi – I’d like to be included in your lists of people who receive new posts, please.
Best wishes,
Robert Hamilton
Hi robert – please go here: https://bradfordwest.church/subscribe/ and put in your email. Then you need to click ‘yes’ in the email that comes!