Each of the four churches serves the Parish in a number of ways. For example: youth work initiatives and Pentecost Praise events in a local park. The four churches together also support the annual Bradford-wide “Inn Churches” project during winter months.
St Paul’s Church hosts:
- weekly Drop in Cafe for the homeless
- Well Being Cafe for the Afro-Caribbean community
- a place of worship for a Congolese congregation
- a learning environment for visiting schools
- classes for those for whom English is a second language
- an After School Club
- Creative Conversations
- Story Telling room
- weekly Silver club for the elderly
- and community social events too
St Barnabas Church hosts:
- a Thursday Drop-in
- a Toddler Group
- a branch of Mothers’ Union
St Martin’s Church hosts:
- a monthly Breakfast Church
- a community library, which is a hub for several activities
- and community social events too
St Philip’s Church hosts:
- English classes for women
- a sewing and knitting group
- a “Places of Welcome” drop-in on Tuesday mornings
- men from St Philips and Bradford Family Church meet with a group from a local Madrassa to discuss each other’s beliefs in relation to a current topic