Who are Christians?
Christians are followers of Jesus Christ, who lived over 2000 years ago. By bringing hope and healing to a broken world, we try to live as Jesus did.
We acknowledge that Christians are not perfect in almost every service. But, we also experience God’s healing generosity, which sets us free.
Where can I find out more?
To find out more about Jesus, you can visit www.rejesus.co.uk and www.christianity.org.uk. But Christianity is about relationship and community, the best way to find out is to meet some Christians. Why not find your local church?
What is the Church?
A church is a community of people who are called by God to create the space in which others can find that they have been found by God. The church does this locally by offering worship, community, service and outreach.
What is the Church of England?
The Church of England comprises 44 dioceses (regions) of which the Diocese of Leeds is one. Each diocese is led by a Bishop who is responsible for appointing clergy and other ministers, ordering ministry, service and outreach, and joining other bishops in serving the wider national and international scene.
A diocese made up of parishes (smaller areas). Everyone in England lives in an Anglican parish. In this way, the Church of England connects with everyone in the country.