This Sunday is the 3rd in Advent – we begin a new series about the ‘Songs of Christmas’ – this week it is Zechariah’s Song. (Luke 1: 67-80) We plan to livestream our Communion service from St Philip’s again at 11am – you can also come and join in. If you watch it later on Youtube please be aware that the first 10 mins or so may be only music – we start the stream early to get everything set up. (Apologies that last week cut off in the notices we got a slap on the wrist for broadcasting a copyrighted song. Sadly you missed Clare wearing a Turkey hat – so we’ll include a picture below!)
It’s the same link to find what you need –
Please remember that we start with prayer at 10am at St Philip’s – join us if you haven’t before. It’s really great! In fact you’re more than welcome to come and pray and then go – we know life is complicated at the moment.
24 Angels in the sky….. Do you ever wonder why?
We hope you’re enjoying the Angel videos every day. Just to clarify – we are on a journey seeing how angels aid in God’s plan for his people through the whole Bible – we’ll go right through Christmas and Easter and into Revelation. The playlist is also in the usual link above if you can’t find them.
Food Provision over Christmas
There are still many people in great need and you may have heard the notices about it at Church on Sunday. If not this page gives more details about our appeal. We’re trying to bless as many hungry people as we can, both in the run up to Christmas and on Christmas Day itself.