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APCM – 3 April – 11.45am – St Paul’s Church Manningham


This Sunday we have our Annual Parochial Church Meeting after our morning Service.


Our Report this year is Here.

We have not yet sent our account to our Independent Examiner – hence the report is listed as DRAFT.  We are also having a few issues with our website – if it says “Error 500” you can refresh the page for it to work.

Minutes for last year’s APCM are available here.


Election forms are available to download if you need them.  We have space for a few new PCC Members and a Synod Rep.

Deanery Synod Rep – Download

Churchwarden – Download

PCC Member – Download


We hope the morning looks like this – thanks for understanding if it doesn’t follow the plan exactly.

9.30am Prayer

10.30am  International Communion Service

11.45am Coffee with our Election of Wardens Meeting

12noon APCM begins

1pm – Soup and Roll Lunch


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