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December 2019 Notices

Inn Churches

2nd – 8th December @ St Philip’s

Contact Joanna Allan re offering help for Inn Churches

Upper Heaton Advent Service at Haworth Road Methodist

7 pm Thursday 5 Dec


We are visiting many schools and having many school visits in the next few weeks. Do please pray for these occasions that the Good News of Jesus would be clearly presented.

2nd – 4th December – School visits @ St Paul’s.

4th – 6th & 9th December School visits @ St Martin’s

18th December – St Philip’s Primary have a Nativity in Church.

19th December – St Barnabas Primary have a Christingle Service

Looking Back and Looking Forward: Celebrations for Advent

Monday 9th December at 7.30pm @ St Philip’s

Wednesday 11th December at 12.30pm @ St Paul’s

Worship, bible, prayer…and, of course, food! ALL welcome.

Mothers’ Union

Christmas Meal
Monday, 2nd December – we meet together at the Toby Carvery, Keighley, for our Christmas Meal. 12.00 for 12.30.
Mothers’ Union – St Barnabas School visit to Church
Tuesday, 10th December 2.00p.m. We shall be delighted to welcome a group of children from St. Barnabas’ School who will present a seasonal entertainment. This is always a very enjoyable event and open to all. Please come along to support and encourage the children.

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