From this Sunday we will start looking carefully at our resources across the Parish . Our time, our energy, our finances, our staffing and our buildings. Each Sunday service will focus on a different aspect of this theme
April 18th – Loving Generously – Luke 7: 36-50
April 25th – Praying and Sharing – John 6: 1-13
May 2nd – The Best, Not the Scraps – Luke 16: 19-31 – GIFT DAY
Our Discovery Groups will also be looking especially at Bible passages, joining together to read and talk more deeply on the same theme. There is still time to join one if you like – contact us.
- Community – Matthew 4: 1-11
- Living generously – Luke 11: 1-4 and John 6: 30-35
- Open invitation – Luke 19: 1-10
For those attending our service on Sunday there will be a leaflet with analysis of our current situation. There is an online version available too – it is called “All things come from you – and of your own do we give you.”