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Mothering Sunday – 14 March 2021 – Handling Emotions Well

“So put away all pride from yourselves. You are standing under the powerful hand of God. At the right time he will lift you up. Give all your worries to Him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-8)

Let’s talk about emotion. Emotions are like that annoying warning light that comes on in our cars. The light is alerting us to a potentially serious problem – how do you respond?

Talking about how and why we feel a certain way will always be hard – it means we have to dig under the surface and take a deep look at things we have spent a lot of time covering over.

God wants us to live free of these ties and invites us to handle our emotions better than we do on our own.

Join us on Sunday as we look at the subject of emotion and how we can live better as emotional people with an emotional God.

As usual prayer on Zoom at 10am and the Youtube Service at 11am


We will be doing something a little different for Palm Sunday – information here


More details to come, but the main dates and times to keep free are on this poster

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