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New Urban Pioneer Minister

Clare Leighton will be Licensed as our Urban Pioneer Minister by Bishop Toby on 15th November 2019.  This will take place in Lister Park by the Bandstand at 9.30am.  We know not all of you can join us due to work commitments but it would be great to see as many of you as possible.
Here’s a message from Clare:

Thank you for the invitation to come join the community in Girlington, Heaton and Manningham.
I am super pleased to come and make my new home amongst you. I’m excited about getting to know you all, spending time finding out what’s going on, joining the adventure of what God is doing in the community,  sharing your dreams for the future and seeing what God has for us all in the process.


I am a Keighley born girl and a self-confessed Brass band nut so the prospect of “returning to a place of home” with the adventure of living and working in the community , trying to love well and share Jesus with people, alongside the opportunity to play some great Brass Band music feels like an amazing invitation, I’m excited for what the future has for us all.  

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