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Notices 3 March 2019

 Pancake Party – 5th March at St Martin’s 3-5pm.  It is Shrove Tuesday – and that means PANCAKES! Cooking them, talking about them, thinking about them, running with them….. Will we eat them too? Come along to find out!

Mothers Union – Monday, 4th March, 2019

Unfortunately our advertised speaker, Rev. Bryony , is unable to come.  We are very fortunate that Dianne is able to present her talk on “Mary Jones’ World” (the talk she was going to give on the 22nd January which we cancelled due to the weather).  This will be at 2.30p.m.
It would be lovely if as many of you as possible to come along for 2.00pm for our overdue AGM. – this will be very brief!

West Bradford Junctions Improvement Scheme

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, is looking to make improvements to three junctions, in order to reduce congestion for the benefit of all road users. Collectively the schemes focus on bringing improvements to the A6177 Outer Ring Road to the west of Bradford.   2 Junctions are in our Parish.  Have your say here.

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