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Sunday 11th September 2022 – Baptisms, Confirmation and Commemoration


On Sunday we have our Baptism Service – clearly it will be a little different due to the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Bishop Toby will be joining us for this special occasion appropriately speaking on “I am the Resurrection and the Life!”

The Bible passage can be found in John 11:17-27

At Easter 2020 during the Pandemic Lockdown our late Queen addressed the nation.

As darkness falls on the Saturday before Easter Day, many Christians would normally light candles together. In church, one light would pass to another, spreading slowly and then more rapidly as more candles are lit. It’s a way of showing how the good news of Christ’s resurrection has been passed on from the first Easter by every generation until now.

This year, Easter will be different for many of us…. but Easter isn’t cancelled; indeed, we need Easter as much as ever.

The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose, and we can all take heart from this.

We will take heart from this as we declare again the new hope and fresh purpose she so clearly knew in her own life.

This service is usually a breakfast church – so we will have Brunch after the service since it will be a little different

Live stream for our service will be available via this link –

Due to the baptisms this service will have a service sheet that can be downloaded here – if you want to follow along at home.



Two downloads this week.

Tomorrow is also the 20th Anniversary of Bradford Interfaith Prayer for Peace, meeting at 7pm – poster here

Also later in the week on 16th September – Global Justice Bradford have a film evening with discussion afterwards.

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