On Sunday we are backtracking a bit to look at the extraordinary life of King David. (Then we’ll conclude the series in 2 weeks by backtracking again to learn about his Great Grandmother.)
This service will be livestreamed as usual at 11am. We will pray together on zoom as well at 10am. Both the livestream and zoom link are here: https://linktr.ee/ParishofGHM
A few weeks ago we mentioned that we will have a new ordinand starting with us on placement this week. Please pray for Daniel and his wife Jo with children Ariela and Ezra.
Next Sunday 19th September 2021 – We plan to have a Parish Forum to talk about the future of our Parish and how we will move forward out of the pandemic.
We will meet at 11am in St Martin’s Church Hall. We will have a ’round tables’ time of discussion as well as a short communion service. Afterwards we will provide a soup and roll lunch.
I have written down some thoughts of what we need to talk about as well as what will be unhelpful to talk about. Please read it before the meeting. You can download it here: Letter to the Parish – Gathered Worship 2021
As we move out of lockdown we are also planning to spend the whole month of October unapologetically focusing on children and families in our Parish Worship on Sunday mornings. We must disciple and nurture young people however great the cost if we are to continue our mission to share the gospel in this city.