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Sunday 16th January 2022 – The Family on the Road again – Fleeing Herod



On Sunday it is JUICY again.  This is a service when we meet together to start with for the Reading, but then choose from a variety of options of how we engage with the story. Perhaps some quiet meditation, perhaps some teaching, maybe a bit of craft, some may want to talk about it.  The Choice is Yours!

This week the topic is  The Family on the Road again – Fleeing Herod

We will livestream this service at the usual link –


COVID-19 hasn’t gone away!  Please remember your mask and keep up the handwashing and distancing!

Sunday 23rd January 2022 – is the week for Christian Unity.  In the past we met all together with churches from across our area for a United Service.  This year due to COVID it is scaled back so our service will be continuing as normal.  Some of you may want to go and support this great event with Churches Together – the full notice is below:

Girlington, Heaton and Manningham Churches Together
United Service 10.30am January 23 2022
“We saw His Star in the East”
Westgate Baptist Church, 107 Carlisle Road, BD8 8BY, is willing to host our annual United Service in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity this January (18-25) for those of us willing and able to come.  We feel it is important to keep our GHM Churches network alive in these uncertain times.  The Church is large and airy so we can be reasonably spaced out.

Sadly, due to covid, we will not be able to meet for lunch afterwards but Westgate is willing to provide drinks and light refreshments for those wishing to stay.
Sadly, also due to covid, we will not be able to provide any separate activities for children.

This year the service has been prepared by the Middle East Council of Churches and is based on the story of the Journey of the Magi “We saw his star in the East”.
So we have invited the Rev Stephen Griffith, a retired Minister from York, who has worked with Embrace in the Middle East, to come and tell us something about the situation of the Churches in the Middle East and the work of Embrace alongside them.  Those of you who have used the Bethlehem Carol Sheets will already know something of the medical and educational work of Embrace (Embrace the Middle East – previously known as Biblelands).  Our offertory will go to Embrace.

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