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Sunday 17th December 2023 – Third Sunday in Advent – John the Baptist

This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent – not long till Christmas!

Our Scripture reading will be from John 1.6-8, 19-28

To see the live stream of the service click here. We usually start streaming at 10.25

There are a LOT of notices this week – sorry.  But there are nice pictures too as you scroll through!


(To get notices on this page please email – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Christmas Services and Activities

We’re part of the way through Advent this is what we’re up to around the Parish

Carol singers needed!! Next week on Wednesday 20th December – 10.30am at St Barnabas Heaton we will have a  Communion and Carols Service – we’ll sing extra carols in our service – and Ian our organist will join us for requests afterwards too!

In the evening we meet at 5.30pm – Bradford Royal Infirmary For Carol Singing around the wards – this is a lovely opportunity to bless those who are in hospital at Christmas time.

Schools at Christmas

In the past 3 weeks our team have done 10 assemblies to a total of about 3200 children in our Parish.  We’ve had 5 church visits from school children of about 160 children in total.  You can some of the schools’ posts on social media here, here and here.

Community Christmas Celebrations

Lots happened already this week – more to come next week.  Thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen.

Bubble Church

We are starting Bubble Church in January at St Martin’s Heaton.  This is a new style of service aimed at young children and their families.  Please pray for this new venture and let us know if you feel you can volunteer to help with it.  All the details are on our Bubble Church page.


Christmas time is all about giving and receiving. We know many of you like to give to our church but can we remind you about the 3 best ways.

1 Parish Giving Scheme – if you pay taxes and give regularly this is the best way – it takes all the admin away from us and works really well.  This organisation is so good it was just bought by the Church of England! Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too!  Basically you give to them – they claim the tax and give us a bigger gift than you gave! 25% more!

2 Using the Card reader at the back of church.  If it is not working you can give by Card and include Giftaid here.

3 Cash in the collection – we like this!  But it is the hardest way for us to process and claim the tax back.  But if you need to give that way – bless you and thank you!

United Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Will be at Bradford Cathedral at 6pm on Sunday 21st January.
The theme for this service is: “Be-Longing:  Praying for Unity amidst Injustice” and is an attempt to explore how Christian Unity might contribute to the promotion of justice across all levels of society, particularly this year, the 30th anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, concentrating on racial justice.

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