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Sunday 19th December 2021 – JUICY – The End of the Road

From – – click image to see their page

On Sunday it is JUICY again.  This is an experimental service when we meet to start with, but then choose from a variety of options of how we engage with the story.  This week the topic is The End of the Road – No Room in the Inn

We will livestream this service at the usual link –


COVID-19 hasn’t gone away!  Please remember your mask and keep up the handwashing and distancing!

Boxing Day is a Sunday! We will have a short Communion service on 26th December at St Martin’s Church at 10.30am.  There will be no Wednesday Communion on 29th December at St Barnabas.  Normal service patterns resume in the New Year

Christmas Food

This year we have had 2 big grants for feeding people – so if you want to give to the disadvantaged this year what about warm socks and underwear. If you buy while you shop and bring them to a service we will very easily hand it all out!

Christmas Box – we are selling a £5 Christmas box – it will contain all the ingredients for a Christmas day. If you want to buy one and donate to someone you know that would be a lovely Christmas gesture – please  Contact us if you do!

Help!  On 23rd December we are preparing a LOT of Christmas Dinners at St Paul’s Church.  Please come and help us with it!  Many hands make light work…..  Work starts at 10.30am – so please come for an hour or so if you can.

Also on the 24th December it is Friday so we are open at noon as usual for Drop in Café.  Some of our regular volunteers are away – so help serving and chatting with those who come in is greatly needed.

We are offering a free Christmas Day dinner after our All Age Service on Christmas Day – if you know of anyone who is alone please invite them.  It will be a fun event!

Christmas Week

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