Looking forward to seeing many of you at Church on Sunday morning. Our service is at 10.30am at St Paul’s Church. This will be an All Age communion service.
We are looking at Battles and Blessings! “Take up your Cross”. Our reading will be Mark 8.31-38
To see the live stream of the service click here. We will start streaming at 10.25am
We’re trying to get a selection of “GHM Songs” that we sing more often and get to know better. Also to help our fledgling music group to play songs we know really well. So we’ve made 2 playlists for you that we’ll add to over time. Please follow, subscribe etc etc. Spotify and/or Youtube
Bubble Church
Come along – 4.30pm this Sunday – St Martin’s Heaton
Roots and Routes
You’ll remember we made a recipe book filled with stories for Christmas. We’re going to celebrate that with an event on Saturday 20th April 2024 at St Paul’s Manningham. Come along and meet the people in the stories and taste the food!
On Pentecost Sunday Churches across Bradford are holding a wonderful public act of witness in City Park on 19th May 2024 – in the afternoon. Please keep it free and more details are coming!