
There are many different ways to help us in our community work.

A young boy reads a book at the community library.
Heaton Hub is a community library run by volunteers

You are welcome to come and speak to us about volunteering. Helping out a charity is a great way to give something back to the community. You can give up your time, a little each week, or your skills.

Volunteering is something which would look good on your CV and could be a useful first step into paid employment. Its also a way you can meet new friends and learn new skills.

All our volunteers are encouraged to train while with us and we offer respect and support and to all. We are an equal opportunities employer, and this includes people who work for us unpaid.

Another way to help us is by making a financial donation. This can be as a one-off gift, or as part of your regular giving to charity.

Click here to make a financial donation online today.

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