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Sunday 21st May 2023 – Ready for the Spirit Week 4- Baptism

This week we’re jumping back into our series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we look forward to Pentecost.

This week is especially exciting as we celebrate the Baptism of Lisa Oluchukwu Ogbuji in our service on Sunday, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be Titus 3:3-7 as we think about baptism and the Holy Spirit together.

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Eileen Gunn

Eileen Gunn who usually attends St Barnabas Wednesday Communion service has been recognised for her many years of service at Bradford City Football Stadium.  She is now a member of Sport for Humanity!

You can see what happened here:

Thy Kingdom Come

In these days between celebrating Jesus’ Ascension and Pentecost we are praying, with the Church around the World, for God’s Kingdom to come.  Thy Kingdom Come 2023 they have launched a brand new app which is a one stop shop for access to inspirational daily prayer reflections, videos from ecumenical leaders on the TKC23 daily themes and resources for children and young people. The TKC App is an award winning resource that you can download to guide you through 11 days of prayer and reflection as we pray – Thy Kingdom Come in our lives and communities.

To download TKC23 App use the following links;

For iOS – Thy Kingdom Come on the App Store (

For Android – Thy Kingdom Come – Apps on Google Play

Thy Kingdom Come 11 day video trailer

For a sneak peak at some of the videos we have to come for TKC23, take a look at our trailer – Thy Kingdom Come Trailer – YouTube

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.

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