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Sunday 13 September 2020 – We have Seen and Heard – 1 John 1

This week we are studying the First Letter from John by looking at Chapter 1.

We hear passionate encouragement from John to the Church to get back to the truth – “we have seen and heard”.
Again we have been knocked back to 10.45am automatically by Youtube. Perhaps someone somewhere feels we need to have a lie in?

This week we will be praying in our breakout rooms in the after church zoom – 11.15am We have a lot to pray about. School opening. Bradford Infection Spikes. New Government Guidance. Our 4pm communion service at St Philip’s.
Please join us if you don’t usually. Zoom is not for everyone, but you may be needed not for what you get from it, but for the encouragement that you can bring to others and to the Scattered Church.

All links are here:

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Sunday 6th September 2020 Service Information

This Sunday we will have a short Youtube meditation at 10.45am.

We start a new theme – looking at the Letter of 1 John. It was written to advise and encourage the early Church in a particular city which had just gone through a crisis.
Links as usual are here:

There will be no Zoom coffee as we’ll be meeting for a

Communion Service at 4pm at St Philip’s Church – Girlington.

I know many of you have questions about this so hopefully most are answered below:

We are following Government and Church of England guidance and advice. To keep all visitors, worshippers, staff and volunteers safe we have introduced many changes.

Possible Questions you may have

How can I be sure I can visit or worship safely?

  • All clergy, visitors and worshippers are required to wear a face covering inside the Church.
  • The number of visitors and worshippers allowed in the building at any one time is limited and managed.
  • Everyone is asked to use the hand sanitizer provided on entry/exit points and other key areas around the Church
  • One-way systems are in place and clearly signposted during your visit or service to help everyone maintain social distancing
  • One toilet is open, frequently cleaned by our team and a system is in place for managing queues if necessary.
  • There is guidance on hygiene, social distancing and safety around the Church as friendly reminders
  • People are asked not to visit if they have symptoms of Covid-19 or are feeling unwell.
  • People are asked to avoid touching surfaces during their visit


  • Keep two metres away from other people
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds after using facilities
  • Observe and respect the one-way systems in place
  • Wear a face covering inside the Church
  • Use the hand sanitiser dispensers.

How many people are we allowed in the Church?

There is a limit on the number of people accessing the Church at any one time – we are not taking bookings this week but may need to in future. We have 35 single chairs set out – but clearly households can and should sit together so we will need to be flexible. Please be prepared to queue outside if necessary.

Is there anything for children during this visit?

We will not be providing for children this week – but the service will be extremely short!

What about my collection envelopes?

We will take a collection – feel free to bring the ones you have at home. A collection for those who cannot come will take place shortly!

How will Communion take place?

The priest will celebrate in the usual way but the bread will be brought to you in your place to avoid movement.

Should I wear a face mask?

From 8th August 2020, in line with government guidance, face coverings must be worn in places of worship.

You do not need to wear a face covering if you have a legitimate reason not to. This includes (but is not limited to): young children under the age of 11; not being able to put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability; if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress. For detailed guidance, please see see here.

NHS Test and Trace

In line with government guidance we are required to keep an accurate temporary record of our visitors and worshippers for 21 days to assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for data if needed for contact tracing and the investigation of local outbreaks. We will not collect your personal data unless you are a visitor unknown to us. Then we will expect a name and contact number. Instead of taking a register we will be taking a photo as a record of where people sat.

Will we be singing my favourite Hymns?

No – sorry, congregational singing is still not permitted

Will there be tea and coffee after the service?

No sorry

Will I be able to sit in my usual seat?

No sorry

Can I move my chair to get a better angle?

Please do not move the chairs at all unless one of the volunteers permits you to.

Will the toilets be open?

We will open one toilet only for safety reasons – please be prepared to queue.

What about those worshippers who are over 70 or clinically vulnerable and those self-isolating?

We will not be checking Birth Certificates nor taking temperatures. But we do suggest that you err on the side of caution especially as Bradford has a high infection rate and schools are back this week.

If you do fall into this vulnerable category, our Wednesday phone-in service might be a more helpful way of worshiping for you.

See below for C of E and Govt Guidelines on this:

Certain groups of people may be at increased risk of severe disease from COVID-19, including people who are aged 70 or older, regardless of medical conditions. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and, if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside of their household.

Much more information is available here:

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Picnic at 1pm on Sunday 30 August

This week here is an early reminder of our Sunday events since it is a little different to ‘normal’.
We will have our Youtube service at 10.30am on Sunday. Links as usual are here:
But there will be no after church coffee as we’ll be meeting for a picnic and communion at 1pm in the grounds of St Paul’s Manningham.

This will also be the last in our series on the Psalms – Love – and the last service of that type.

From the week after we will transition to a far shorter Youtube offering and attempt to meet physically each afternoon at 4pm – latest guidelines permitting! More information to follow.

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Psalms of Hope – Sunday 23 August 2020

This week we look at Psalm 40

1 I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me as I walked along.
3 He has given me a new song to sing,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
They will put their trust in the Lord.

By God’s grace are we willing to help to lift the people in our lives; in the networks of our family, friends and work/volunteering colleagues, OUT of the miry bog today and help them to find a better place?

This may require us to reach out to others when they are suffering, to offer to pray for and with them, re-kindling or sowing seeds of HOPE.

If you want to download a doodle sheet to use during the service it can be found here.

The service will be available as usual at 10.30 on Sunday here: Please join us.

As usual we will have Zoom coffee at 11.30 after the service. A good time to catch up and chat. All the usual links are found here:

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Psalms of Faith. Sunday 16th August 2020

This week we are looking at Psalms of Faith – Psalm 27 shows up that though we might be surrounded by evil, we need not be afraid because the Lord is with us.
We can be confident in Him.
The service will be available as usual at 10.30 on Sunday here:

Please join us.

As usual we will have Zoom coffee at 11.30 after the service. A good time to catch up and chat. All the usual links are found here:

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Psalm 103 – Forgiveness. Sunday 9th August 2020

This Sunday we will look at the topic of forgiveness. The service will be available as usual at 10.30 on Sunday here:
Please join us.
We are focusing on the words from Psalm 103. Is it enough to forgive and forget? Or should we make a conscious decision daily to remember that we are a forgiving people?

As usual we will have Zoom coffee at 11.30 after the service. A good time to catch up and chat. All the usual links are found here:

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Sunday 2nd August 2020

This Sunday we will join with New Wine for their morning service at 11am.
Links as usual are here:

In the evening the main speaker is the Archbishop of Canterbury so you may want to watch that too.

We will NOT be having Zoom Coffee to give you time for the next thing!

From 1pm will have a socially distanced Picnic at St Martin’s. The new guidance still allows us to meet inside the building for worship, so outside is certainly within the guidelines.

We will share in Communion together before we leave.

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New Wine Breaks Out 11am on 2 August 2020

GHM at New Wine in 2019

This week on Sunday there is a lot going on!

  1. We are not meeting online till 11am
  2. We will be joining in with the National New Wine Conference – see below
  3. No zoom coffee after church because…..
  4. We’re meeting in real life with a Picnic followed by communion from 1-3pm at St Martin’s

New Wine Breaks Out

New Wine starts on Thursday 30th July at 8pm. Sessions continue over a long weekend – please take advantage of this great opportunity.

Clicking on this link takes you to all the content:

Arena and Impact are for adults, you can choose! When we go as a church we usually go to Impact – but no pressure.

Luminosity is for teenagers, 11-18. There are also Kids sessions

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Sunday 26 July – Psalm 25 – Shame

We are continuing our service on Sunday at 10.30 in front of a screen with Psalm 25 – another honest Psalm, looking at how God can take away our shame, and can free us from fear of shame going forward.
Afterwards we’ll meet and chat over Zoom at 11.30

All the links you need for Sunday services and Zoom Coffee are here: – feel free to bookmark it.

Next Sunday – 2 August 2020

Many of us would have been at the New Wine camp next Sunday. We will join with many others at the New Wine Youtube service next week.

We’ll emulate camping by having a picnic together on the grass behind St Martin’s. Please bring everything you need with you.
Picnic 1-3pm
We’ll end with a short communion service to celebrate our first real life meet up!