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Parish News – January 2020



January 6th A fortnightly group at 7.30pm @ the home of Alistair and Sharon Bavington

January 13th A weekly group at the home of Joanna Allan

WEDNESDAY Discipleship A weekly group at 12.30pm @ St Paul’s.  On Wednesday 8th January we will begin Alpha.

Find a place where you belong: Pray, worship, read the bible, and get to know each other….

EVERYONE welcome to any of these groups

Jesus Shaped People Welcome to Brendan Bassett

Revd Brendan Bassett takes over as the new JSP Team Leader from January 6th. You are invited to a  ‘Welcome Celebration’ for Brendan on Saturday January 11th at 3 pm at St John’s Church Great Horton, Bradford BD7 4AB. 

Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer
Friday, 10th January, 2020, 10.30 – 11 am.  This is our contribution to the continuous worldwide wave of prayer.  Please join us in the Choir Vestry.

Vicar’s hour @ St Barnabas 9.30am Wednesday 15th January

Christian Unity service Sunday 19 January

Westgate Baptist Church at 10.30 followed by bring and share lunch.

Soup is being provided by Westgate Baptist. The service this year is offered by the Churches of Malta

Mothers’ Union AGM – Tuesday, 21st January, 2020 at 2.30 pm in the Village Hall.  We begin with a Holy Communion, then we have our Annual General Meeting, followed by a buffet.

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Christmas Services 2019

Sunday 22nd December;

10.00am Whole Parish Eucharist at St Martin’s

– no services at other churches

4.30pm Carols by Candlelight at St Barnabas

Monday 23rd December:

2.00pm From darkness to light.

A service of quiet reflection with Holy Communion at St Martin’s

Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve

4.30pm Crib and Christingle at St Paul’s

11.30pm Midnight Eucharist at St Paul’s

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day

10.30am St Philip’s

10.30am St Barnabas’

Sunday 29th December – 10.30am St Paul’s Church only

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Carol Singing

Carols at BRI Thurs 19 Dec meet at 5.15pm at reception near Costa.

Wednesday 18th December at 3pm – Outside St Martin’s Church

We need so many more voices at these key events. Please try to make as many as possible!

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Parish News – 9th Dec 2019

Looking Back and Looking Forward: Celebrations for Advent

Monday 9th December at 7.30pm @ St Philip’s

Wednesday 11th December at 12.30pm @ St Paul’s

Worship, bible, prayer…and, of course, food! ALL welcome.

Mothers’ Union – St Barnabas School visit to Church

Tuesday, 10th December 2.00p.m. We shall be delighted to welcome a group of children from St. Barnabas’ School who will present a seasonal entertainment.  This is always a very enjoyable event and open to all.  Please come along to support and encourage the children.

Carol Singing

Carols at Morrisons Sat 14 Dec – our Parish singing at 10 am – please come!

Parish Christmas lunch

Saturday 14th December – 2pm

A Christmas lunch for our community partners from across the parish: to be held @ St Martin’s. Please contact us if you are able to help.

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December 2019 Notices

Inn Churches

2nd – 8th December @ St Philip’s

Contact Joanna Allan re offering help for Inn Churches

Upper Heaton Advent Service at Haworth Road Methodist

7 pm Thursday 5 Dec


We are visiting many schools and having many school visits in the next few weeks. Do please pray for these occasions that the Good News of Jesus would be clearly presented.

2nd – 4th December – School visits @ St Paul’s.

4th – 6th & 9th December School visits @ St Martin’s

18th December – St Philip’s Primary have a Nativity in Church.

19th December – St Barnabas Primary have a Christingle Service

Looking Back and Looking Forward: Celebrations for Advent

Monday 9th December at 7.30pm @ St Philip’s

Wednesday 11th December at 12.30pm @ St Paul’s

Worship, bible, prayer…and, of course, food! ALL welcome.

Mothers’ Union

Christmas Meal
Monday, 2nd December – we meet together at the Toby Carvery, Keighley, for our Christmas Meal. 12.00 for 12.30.
Mothers’ Union – St Barnabas School visit to Church
Tuesday, 10th December 2.00p.m. We shall be delighted to welcome a group of children from St. Barnabas’ School who will present a seasonal entertainment. This is always a very enjoyable event and open to all. Please come along to support and encourage the children.

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Key Dates in November 2019

Bradford Interfaith Prayer for Peace
11 Nov 2019, 7:00 pm, Khidmat Centre BD7 2EU
People of different faiths meet on the 11th of each month to pray together for peace in the World, to share food and fellowship.
For information contact Bob Marshall 0770 889 6609


Monday, 11th November – 7.45 p.m.  Mothers Union meeting

Our speakers are Keith & Sylvia Tomlinson.  The intriguing title of their talk is “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”  In the Village Hall


Sunday November 17th Parish Forum

at 12 noon @ St Martin's Church. Bring and Share lunch: will be great to see as many of you as possible.

MU Tuesday, 19th November at 2.30 p.m, following Holy Communion at 2.00 p.m. we look forward to hearing about “A Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela”.  Our speaker is Mr. Noel Moroney.

Friday 22nd November – St. Barnabas Children’s Society.

I invite all box holders and donors to come along to 14 Sandmoor Close, Thornton, anytime after 2 p.m. when I will be happy to receive your contributions to this great organisation.  Otherwise please see me in church.  New contributors are always welcome.

Please come along and enjoy a cuppa and a chat.          Val Mitchell.


Saturday 30 Nov 2019 at St Philip’s, Christmas Fair

We will have a cake stall so we need bakers and volunteers to man the stall,  we’d love contributions for all our churches.  Please think about whether you can help run this stall.

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New Urban Pioneer Minister

Clare Leighton will be Licensed as our Urban Pioneer Minister by Bishop Toby on 15th November 2019.  This will take place in Lister Park by the Bandstand at 9.30am.  We know not all of you can join us due to work commitments but it would be great to see as many of you as possible.
Here’s a message from Clare:

Thank you for the invitation to come join the community in Girlington, Heaton and Manningham.
I am super pleased to come and make my new home amongst you. I’m excited about getting to know you all, spending time finding out what’s going on, joining the adventure of what God is doing in the community,  sharing your dreams for the future and seeing what God has for us all in the process.


I am a Keighley born girl and a self-confessed Brass band nut so the prospect of “returning to a place of home” with the adventure of living and working in the community , trying to love well and share Jesus with people, alongside the opportunity to play some great Brass Band music feels like an amazing invitation, I’m excited for what the future has for us all.