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Facing the future: Church Finances September 2023

The History of Money | Sky HISTORY TV Channel

We’ve had two Parish Forum’s this week looking particularly at our finances.  The good news is that we are now in a knowledgeable position regarding finances.  The bad news is that now we know we realise that we are not in a healthy position!

As followers of Jesus, his love and salvation gives us a remarkable status – one that money and wealth cannot give us.  Money will not save us from tragedy – money will not give us more control in this chaotic part of a chaotic world. However we do need it to operate!  You surely know that we often get grants for things as a Parish.  This helps with a lot of the ways we bless the community.  But it cannot pay salaries, heating and light – which are our biggest expenditure.

If you missed the forums you can see a video here of what was said.  Please remember that after much investigation the PCC has come to the conclusion that the best path spiritually and financially is to continue with our vision to multiply and grow into our 4 church buildings.  Perhaps on different days at different times.

We are praying and hoping for ideas of how to raise some more money before the end of the year.  All sensible ideas will be investigated!

A big thanks to Ann Brown our treasurer for a lot of un-thanked hard work.

Can you offer to buy something for the parish?  Ideas below:

  • Box of Coffee – £40
  • Running one service £30
  • Breakfast Church – £200
  • Heat and Light – St Paul’s – Weekly £450
  • Toilet Roll across the parish £5 per week

As we said the very best way you can give is by using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 25% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too!

Of course you can still put money in the collection as well as online.

Thank you so much to those who regularly, faithfully and sacrificially give – some over many many decades.  It is much appreciated!

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