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Sunday 1st October 2023 – Follow Me: The Fishermen- Parish Communion

This week we are gathering together at 10:30am at St Paul’s Church for our Parish Communion service

We are kicking off a new sermon series called ‘Follow Me’ as we focus as a parish on what it means to follow Jesus with our whole lives. This will be the focus at both our weekly Communion services, so whether you join us on a Sunday at St Paul’s or a Wednesday at St Barnabas, we’ll be thinking about discipleship, following Jesus, together.

Our Scripture reading will be from Matthew 4:18-22

To see the live stream of the service click here.


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Follow Me Follow On

In October we are starting a new sermon series and a whole Parish focus on our discipleship – what did Jesus mean by ‘Follow me’ and how can we do that in 2023?  To aid us in our thinking we will start a new zoom discussion group.  It will start on Tuesday October 3rd at 5pm.  You can find our Zoom link here it will be no more than an hour.  Come with questions and thoughts from the Sunday sermon!!

Macmillan Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy – St Barnabas Church

There will be a Coffee Morning and Bring and Buy in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday 30th September (Tomorrow!), from 10:30am till 1pm hosted by the Mothers’ Union at St Barnabas’ Church, Ashwell Road, Heaton, BD9 4AU – they look forward to serving you!


This Wednesday, 4th October, we will be marking Harvest at our Wednesday Communion service at St Barnabas, 10:30am. You are welcome to bring goods to donate to the local foodbanks as we thank God for all his gifts to us.


As a parish we are looking forward to celebrating baptisms towards the end of November! If you haven’t been baptised before and would like to talk about what that means and looks like, chat to one of the leaders after the service.

Al Massira – 6th & 7th of October

Al Massira is a course where participants are invited on a journey to discover the basics of the the Christian faith – it is particularly useful for those from a Muslim background.  We are hosting this here in our Parish.  More Information found here.

Robin Gamble retirement service – Sunday, 1 October 2023, 6:00pm at Bradford Cathedral

Robin Gamble, Bishop’s Advisor in Church Growth, retires this autumn. All are invited to come and celebrate his dynamic and fruitful ministry as a parish priest and as an encourager of evangelism. The service will include sung worship, testimonies, presentations and prayer.  More details on the Cathedral Website


There are many in our parish who regularly give to the church through a Direct Debit to our bank account. If you do – firstly thank you so much for your generosity! It would be a great help though if you transferred across to using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 20% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too! Please speak to Zarine if you want to know more about it – or click the links!

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