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Holy Week & Easter Sunday 4 April 2021

Maundy Thursday

Whose Feet Would You Wash?

Jesus Washed Judas' Feet - Olive Tree Blog

Jesus washed feet as a prelude to the last meal he shared with his disciples. Part of Jesus’ washing of feet was a prayer for the disciples to notice the community of people so often unseen and passed over. It was a reminder that everyone no matter how insignificant in the hierarchy of the day, has a place at God’s banquet table and we are called to join in and serve others as part of our daily worship.

What would happen if every meal we ate became a prayer of anticipation for the great banquet feast of God?

Come and join us as we look at the intimate and personal story of the meal Jesus shared with his closest friends, where he bowed his knee and washed his friends feet to start a world changing journey.

While we can’t meet in person this year, there is still an invitation to come and get involved. No pressure, but you may want to come prepared with a bowl of warm water and towel ready.

Please be welcome to come, pull up a chair and join the feast.  This will be a ‘Youtube Service’ the link as usual will be on

Good Friday

You’re warmly welcome to this service outside, behind St Martin’s Church, where there will be space to reflect and meditate, walk the stations of the cross, create an Easter Garden or help paint a montage of Holy Week. Something for anybody of any age.
We will finish with a short service together around the cross before leaving for home in quietness.  We begin outside at 2.30pm and the church will be open for personal prayer from 1.30pm
This service will not be livestreamed – sorry.
Christ was not held on the cross by nails but through the love of God for us all.

Easter Sunday

We meet outside behind St Martin’s Church at 11am on Easter Sunday to declare that

Jesus is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

This will be a communion service and the good news is that outside we can now sing… and so we shall…LOTS! Looking forward to seeing you there.

This service will not be livestreamed – sorry.


If you missed it last week please read our Letter to the Parish for Easter



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