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Sunday 9th May 2021 – Looking Back, Looking Forward


This Sunday we will be returning to the story of Jesus’ Ascension.  Acts 1: 1-12

What were his final words to us?  What priorities did he set his disciples before going away?

The service will be at St Philip’s at 11am – Zoom prayer as usual at 10am.  Links all available at the usual site


Next week we will be focusing on Thy Kingdom Come – the 10 days from Ascension to Pentecost – more information to come.

THANK YOU – so much to all those who gave of their TIME – TREASURE – TALENT last week.  We are still processing the offers of help – we’ll be in touch!  Also we had some very generous donations too – more information to come on that as we get it!

Advance Notice – the APCM will be on 30th May at 11am – we will finish with an act of Communion together.

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