On Sunday we conclude our Stewardship Series. We have been looking at our Time our Treasure and our Talent and challenging each other on what we can give to God in a new way.
Our Topic this week is The Best, Not the Scraps, we will read Luke 16: 19-31, the story of the Rich man and Lazarus.
As usual we will be having prayer time on zoom at 10am – hope you can join us. https://linktr.ee/ParishofGHM
There will be an opportunity to offer our Time our Treasure and our Talent in the service. We are also encouraging those who would like to give a little extra to do it on Sunday – all together. We will have TWO collections – the normal one and a Gift Day one – so be ready! For those who prefer to give online have a look at this analysis of our current situation. There is an online version available too – it is called “All things come from you – and of your own do we give you.”
Last week we did the sums during church and we came to the conclusion that with our current membership it costs £3 each daily to keep our Parish going! You can give directly online with our Gift Day page
You can give Gift Aid on this page too – which will allow us to claim 20% more on your gift. This is the Heaton Hub account which is setup for online giving. But it all goes to the same place!
(On that note – we now have a joint bank account so the best way to write a cheque is to Parish of Girlington, Heaton and Manningham)