On Sunday we continue our series on Generosity
This week our topic is – Praying and Sharing – John 6: 1-13
We will be meeting together at 11am for a Communion Service in St Philip’s – please come and join us there is still plenty of room. Our Prayer time before will be still on Zoom – at 10am.
The following week will be our Gift Day – please begin to think about how you can give something of your Time, Treasure and Talents to the work of the Kingdom. May 2nd – The Best, Not the Scraps – Luke 16: 19-31
For those attending our service on Sunday there will be a leaflet with analysis of our current situation. There is an online version available too – it is called “All things come from you – and of your own do we give you.”
We would love to hear your testimonies about how God has provided for you in times of hardship so if you wish to share with the rest of the Parish either in these updates or at Church on Sunday please Contact us