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Parish News 14 October 2018

A Missional Community

This weekend marks the beginning of a new chapter in the life of St Paul’s. Two farsi speaking members of the congregation will move into the vicarage. Together with others they will form the beginning of a praying together, learning together, and reaching out into the community together community.
Please pray for them.
The community NEEDS: – a kingsize bed frame
– two single beds and matresses
– a fridge and freezer
If you are able to provide any of these, or know someone who can please let Sue, Michelle, or Chris know. Thank you. We will inform you of any other needs as they arise.

The Week Ahead

St. Barnabas Mothers Union invites you to a FREE CONCERT by a local Ukelele band at 2.30pm, on Tuesday, 16th October in the Village Hall. Please come and join us it promises to be a fun afternoon.
Tea and cakes will be served.

PCC Meeting 7pm 18th October at St Paul’s

Beetle Drive – 20th October at St Barnabas Church. 5pm onwards.
‘Last Night of the Proms’ to celebrate the winners.
Tickets £5 – Children free (with Adults!)

This Month

Christmas Preparation – already!
At 3.30pm (after school) on Friday 26th October various members of St Paul’s plus friends will be packing shoeboxes at the church. We support Blythswood as we can send a bigger variety of items and to a wider variety of age groups. Boxes are mainly delivered to the poorer parts of Eastern Europe. Any offers of help/support would be appreciated. Blythswood News would give you far more information about the group through whom we send our boxes. Further details from Joanna

Further Ahead

Parish meeting preparing for INN churches: Tuesday November 6th @ St Paul’s at 7.30pm. The meeting will include more details about hosting the homeless at St Paul’s, a chance to sign up to help and essential training. Your help would be much appreciated.

Parish Forum 18th November at noon
Following a Bring and Share Lunch St Barnabas Village Hall
This is a new event where we meet together to discuss the vision and direction of our Parish and Mission. Please make every effort to come.

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