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Thy Kingdom Come

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Justin Welby and John Sentamu, have invited Christians around the world to pray for more people to know Jesus.

We want to join in prayer at each of our four churches during the ten days between Ascension and Pentecost. 


From Midday — 1pm

Monday 3 June             St Paul’s

Tuesday 4 June             St Philip’s

Wednesday 5 June      St Barnabas

Thursday 6 June           St Martin’s


Can you commit to this?  What about coming to your usual church AND another one?

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New Associate Vicar of the Parish

Rev’d Sue Jennings

The Revd Sue Jennings, currently serving as Assistant Curate at Girlington Heaton and Manningham has been appointed as Associate Vicar of Girlington, Heaton and Manningham in the Bradford Episcopal Area.

The Licensing will take place on a date to be confirmed.  The Bishop of Bradford, The Rt Revd Dr Toby Howarth, will officiate.

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2018 APCM

After Church next Sunday the 28th April we have our

Annual Parochial Church Meeting – at noon in St Barnabas Church Hall

where all members of our Churches have a say and vote in the future of our Parish.  We will also be showing our appreciation for all who serve us in thankless tasks.  (See above)

We will have a Bring and Share lunch and meet as we did for the Parish Forum.  Please bring something for yourself and to share with others.

Let’s remember that this is a CELEBRATION of all God has been doing in the life of the Church as we look forward to the coming year.

Our Annual Report is ready – there are some copies at the back of Church today for those who would like one.  You can also download one.

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Notices for 31st March


We will hold our Parish APCM on 28th April at St Barnabas Village Hall after our Services.  At this meeting we will vote in our new PCC.  In the next few weeks we will have local congregational meetings to nominate Wardens and PCC members.  Please consider if you’d like to serve us in this way.


The Week Ahead


Institution and Induction of Rev Chris Chorlton

This will take place this afternoon at St Martin’s Church on 31st March at 3.30pm.  Hope to see you there!


Christian Aid Quiz Night Sunday 31st March 7pm
The Peacock Bar, 25 North Parade, Bradford


Mothers' Union Monday, 1st April, 2019

We will meet in the Village Hall at 7.45 p.m. when our speaker will be Mr. Colin Wright .  His subject is "Leprosy Past and Present".
Please come and join us.


Church of St Chad, Toller Lane

Sung Mass with Licensing, Collation and Installation of The Rev’d Liam Beadle as Priest-in-Charge on Thursday, April 4th 2019 at 7.30 pm



Further Ahead



St Philips are hosting a Coffee Morning on Saturday 6th April from 10.30am to 12.30pm.  It would be lovely to see you there. Any donations for a Tombola would be very much appreciated


Beetle Drive with Supper – Saturday 13th April in the St Barnabas Village Hall, Heaton starting at 5pm. Tickets £5 per adult, children free accompanied by an adult. There will also be a Sing along to songs from the ‘Old Tyme Music Hall’, Tombola and Raffle. Please come and have an evening of fun. Everybody welcome.


Easter Egg Raffle – to be drawn Palm Sunday after Church at St Barnabas (14th April). Donations of eggs would be appreciated to any member of the Social Committee.


The Bible Course:

Starting Monday evenings, 29th April at St Philips

AND Thursday afternoons, from 2nd May at home of Jenny Griffin


Christian Aid Big Brekkie.

will be on Saturday 18th May at St Paul’s Church from 9:30. Lots of lovely food to start your day, and all to support Christian Aid.

Come along and join in we hope to see you there!


“The Italian Job”

A fun evening at St Philips, 15th June

More details to follow later


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Parish News 14 October 2018

A Missional Community

This weekend marks the beginning of a new chapter in the life of St Paul’s. Two farsi speaking members of the congregation will move into the vicarage. Together with others they will form the beginning of a praying together, learning together, and reaching out into the community together community.
Please pray for them.
The community NEEDS: – a kingsize bed frame
– two single beds and matresses
– a fridge and freezer
If you are able to provide any of these, or know someone who can please let Sue, Michelle, or Chris know. Thank you. We will inform you of any other needs as they arise.

The Week Ahead

St. Barnabas Mothers Union invites you to a FREE CONCERT by a local Ukelele band at 2.30pm, on Tuesday, 16th October in the Village Hall. Please come and join us it promises to be a fun afternoon.
Tea and cakes will be served.

PCC Meeting 7pm 18th October at St Paul’s

Beetle Drive – 20th October at St Barnabas Church. 5pm onwards.
‘Last Night of the Proms’ to celebrate the winners.
Tickets £5 – Children free (with Adults!)

This Month

Christmas Preparation – already!
At 3.30pm (after school) on Friday 26th October various members of St Paul’s plus friends will be packing shoeboxes at the church. We support Blythswood as we can send a bigger variety of items and to a wider variety of age groups. Boxes are mainly delivered to the poorer parts of Eastern Europe. Any offers of help/support would be appreciated. Blythswood News would give you far more information about the group through whom we send our boxes. Further details from Joanna

Further Ahead

Parish meeting preparing for INN churches: Tuesday November 6th @ St Paul’s at 7.30pm. The meeting will include more details about hosting the homeless at St Paul’s, a chance to sign up to help and essential training. Your help would be much appreciated.

Parish Forum 18th November at noon
Following a Bring and Share Lunch St Barnabas Village Hall
This is a new event where we meet together to discuss the vision and direction of our Parish and Mission. Please make every effort to come.