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Sunday 11th February 2024 – Breakfast Church – Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness

At Breakfast church this month we are continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness

Our reading will be 1 Peter 3:15-17

This service is not usually  livestreamed – but we will this Sunday just to give a taste of what we do at Breakfast Church – we’ll start streaming at about 11am once we’ve all had breakfast!


Lent – Watch and Pray

Lent starts on Wednesday!  We will be having a service of ashing and Holy Communion at St Barnabas Church at 10.30 – Ash Wednesday.  We will also be following together as a parish  the Church of England resources – Watch and Pray – each day we will share a thought on the GHM News & Praise Whatsapp Group – (click on the link while on your phone if you haven’t joined and want to!)


Emma – our curate for the past year – has been on placement since October.  It has been decided that she will continue her training at her placement in in the parishes of St
Paul Shipley, Christ Church Windhill, The Eldwick Church and St Peter Shipley.  This means she will not return to our Parish.  Every Blessing Emma!!


We’re trying to get a selection of “GHM Songs” that we sing more often and get to know better.  Also to help our fledgling music group to play songs we know really well.  So we’ve made 2 playlists for you that we’ll add to over time.  Please follow, subscribe etc etc.  Spotify and/or Youtube

Lisa is One next Week

We’ll have cake after church!


Bubble Church

Come along – 4.30pm this Sunday – St Martin’s Heaton

Riding Lights – at the Cathedral

This is a really good Christian theatre company that are putting on a show on 28th February to help us on the way to Easter

Lent Retreat with Bishop Toby

Welcome to a Lent retreat led by Bishop Toby, in Bradford Cathedral 17th February 10am-1pm. (9.30am for refreshments)

This retreat will offer opportunities to reflect, pray, be silent and connect with others.

Lent is a time to follow Jesus more closely in our world today and to prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter.

All are welcome. Please do bring along friends and parishioners.

The event is free but it will help to know if you are planning to attend. To book your place, please email

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