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Sunday 12th February 2023 – Love your Enemies – Breakfast Church


We’re meeting for Breakfast Church at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.

We’ll be continuing to think about the Sermon on the Mount as we listen to Jesus tell us to love our enemies. Our Bible reading will be from Matthew 5:38-48


This week there will be no Live stream of the service.



Inn Churches/ Prayer and Praise
Thank you for praying for and serving at Inn Churches this week!
Since our guests are still with us on Sunday evening, there will be no Prayer and Praise this weekend.
The Season of Lent is just around the corner!
On Ash Wednesday (22nd Feb) we’ll be marking the start of Lent at our Wednesday Communion service at St Barnabas.
We’ll also be running a Lent Course on Saturday mornings, starting on Saturday 4th March.
Parish Teams

We’re looking at re-launching our parish teams, as we think about how we can best serve the parish together.

To think about this together, we are holding a meeting at St Pauls on the 7th March at 7:30pm.

All our parish teams will be meeting together on that day. And anyone else who would like to get involved in parish teams or hear about the way we run the day-to-day life of the parish are welcome!


The Ark Charity Shop – Heights Lane, Heaton

Please could you volunteer to help sort donations or help on the till for a few hours?  If you’re willing to help, please call at the shop or speak to Heather or Joanna.  Volunteers needed particularly on Wednesday or Thursday.

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