This week on Sunday we continue to look at the Sermons of Jesus – reading The Persistent Widow in Luke 18:1-8 you can find the Bible passage in Luke 18:1-8.
Lantern Festival
Some are making lanterns in our Places of Welcome and we want to be officially present as a Parish for this lovely community event. It is in Lister Park on 28th October 2022 at 6pm
Recipes and Stories
We have some funding for community cohesion around a possible GHM recipe book, The idea would be to tell a story that relates to a recipe – maybe a family favourite, or something that matches with a special memory. We hope that this can bring community together to talk, share and cook. Also it would result in our very own recipe book. Can you think if you’d like to contribute or if it is something you can help us with. Ask Michelle for more details or Contact us.
Saying Goodbye services are returning to Bradford in October with a Baby loss remembrance and support service. On the 29th October at 2pm, in Bradford Cathedral, we will be hosting one of our Saying Goodbye Services.