This week our Communion service is at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.
We’re continuing our sermon series on Encounters with Jesus, reflecting on one of the most famous chapters in the Bible, John 3, as we see Nicodemus encounter Jesus.
So, our Bible reading this week is John 9:1-12
To see the live stream of the service click here:
Our Lent Course is still on Saturday mornings, at St Paul’s – not too late to join! 10.30am
We’ll also be focusing on Encounters with Jesus at those sessions together.
Electoral Roll
If you have been attending our church for a while and are not on our Electoral Roll we would love you to officially join our church – you can do this over the next few weeks. Also we will be removing some people from the Roll who have moved away and can no longer attend. Sorry about this, it doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten you – it’s just housekeeping!
A date for your diary!
On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!
There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.
If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle.