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Sunday 20th February – Communion Service with Sunday School – Genuine Faith

The Book of James - Week 6

This Sunday we continue with our series on Genuine Religion, looking at James chapter 3, focusing on Genuine Wisdom – controlling your tongue.

Live stream for our service will be available via this link –

This latest piece of art at St Paul’s is called ‘Gathered‘ bringing people at the Monday Place of Welcome together for a shared activity.  People from England, Scotland, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Morocco and Kenya have all made the circles together, cutting them out of fabric, sewing a hem around the edge and then gathering them in to make the smaller circles.  They look better arranged and gathered together than individual circles on their own.  They are all different shapes, colours and sizes, just like us.


Ash Wednesday – as we begin Lent we have two services on 2nd March. As usual we have a 10.30am Communion Service at St Barnabas Church.  We will also have a 6pm service at St Martin’s Church

Lent Course –  “Tales of the Unexpected”

During Lent we hope to run a Lent Course in the evening and around lunch time – times to be firmed up in the next few weeks

But if you’re interested please book it in your diaries.

Monday Evening @ St Philips starting at 7pm:    21st March, 28th March, 4th April, 11th April

Thursday Daytime @ St Martins starting at 12 noon:   24th March, 31st March, 7th April, 14th April


‘The Mills Are Alive’ from Thursday 3rd to 5th March 2022, every evening from 6pm till 9pm, is an epic free projection show and will illuminate the Lister Mills’ chimney.

The Mills Are Alive will use music, light, and colour to share the histories and imagined futures of Manningham and its people.
From stories of previous mill workers to the dreams of local school children, see the brickwork come to life and celebrate the rich cultures of our community.  You can find out more at:


COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed!  Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!



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