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Sunday 24th January 2021 – Jesus through the eyes of Paul

This week we look at “Jesus through the blinded eyes of Paul”

Before Saul met Jesus, he couldn’t see him clearly because of mis-understanding and prejudice, but once he was blinded, he could see more clearly who Jesus is.  If that seems to make no sense at all – ‘being blinded to see more clearly’ it would be good to come to this service at 11am on Sunday! You can read the story in Acts 9:1-22

We have a Zoom prayer meeting at 10am – time to see each other and interact as well as pray.

At 11am we have a the service that you’re all used to by now.  Links as always are here:


This Sunday is also when we would have our Christian Unity Service planned for 24 Jan 6.30 pm.  Instead this year it has been suggested we stand in solidarity with the lockdown and pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done on earth.  We’ll be doing this together in spirit at 6.30pm

Our Community Pantry launched this week at St Philip’s Church – picture below.  We had 17 customers on the first day!  You can see how it works and promote it to those in Girlington looking at this page.
There was a real sense of trust that these people placed in us.  They paid £5 at the door believing we would give them quality food and essentials – we did!  This exciting project is going to be self sustaining which will allow us to provide help in other ways as soon as it is safe to do so.  A big thank you to Clare who has worked so incredibly hard to make this happen – it is the first new project to be launched from our Parish Outreach Team that has been meeting and praying during lockdown. (There were 65 customers at the Take Out café in St Paul’s today, so we are helping an increasing number of people in need around our Parish.)
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