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Sunday 31st January 2021 – Jesus through the eyes of Anna

This week we look at “Jesus through the eyes of Anna” as we celebrate Jesus being presented in the Temple by his parents and the profound encounter with Anna when they get there.

Luke 2.22-40

We have a Zoom prayer meeting at 10am – time to see each other and interact as well as pray.  Can I encourage you to join in if you haven’t been before.  it isn’t scary and you may be just the blessing we need this Sunday.

At 11am we have a the service that you’re all used to by now.  Links as always are here:


Sarah Maybury will be sadly leaving us to be re-deployed in another parish, yet to be decided in consultation with Bishop Toby.  I am sure we would love to offer our grateful thanks for all her gifts and the many areas of ministry that she was involved in.  Sarah was licensed to our parish in September 2019 as a new Lay Reader and goes with our blessing to take up new opportunities in leadership and teaching.Sarah Maybury

1 thought on “Sunday 31st January 2021 – Jesus through the eyes of Anna

  1. She has been a gift from God and will be
    Where ever she goes. love from Jenny

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