We’re continuing our sermon series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we look forward to Pentecost
This Sunday we have our Juicy All Age Communion, the service where we use our church space a bit differently during the service, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.
Our Bible reading will be Galatians 5:16-26 as we think about the Fruit if the Spirit
To see the live stream of the service click here: https://linktr.ee/ParishofGHM
(To get notices on this page please email notices@bradfordwest.church – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)
Sunday 23rd April- APCM
Thank you to all who came to our APCM last Sunday. If you want to see our lookback at 2022 you can see it here:
Royal Manningham-on-Sea
On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!
This Sunday after the service we will be having a walk-through and prayer together.
Please note that next Sunday (7th May), there isn’t a service at 10:30am… instead we’ll be setting up from 9am, having brunch together at 11:30am, and having our act of worship outside at noon before opening to the community at 1:30 pm. Please come and help us as we celebrate with our community!
Live Worship
We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship. We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.
Due to a mix up one of the reports in our APCM booklet was last years! We’ve corrected the online version – Report and review of 2022
But for clarity here is the correct report for Monday’s Place of Welcome.
Over the last year our numbers have doubled and we now see around 40 people attending
each week. These are mostly new people that haven’t attended our project before or are
new to the church. Around 9 people use the access bus to come to the group. The majority
of people attending are women of Pakistani heritage who live in Manningham, Girlington
and Heaton, five people attend from outside our parish as they have been invited by a
friend. A big draw for people is the seated aerobics with over 25 people choosing to take
part each week and then staying around for conversation and tea/toast. In January we
began work on a piece of community art called ‘Gathered’. Each person worked on their
own gathered fabric circle and then we assembled them all together to make the piece of
art. It’s now hanging on the wall in the hall and people are enjoying seeing their artwork
displayed. We made pancakes for Pancake Day and had conversations about lent and
fasting. The cooking has continued over the year as we began working on a heritage project
about recipes in October. Recipes and stores will be collected and gathered to produce a
book of stories in 2023. This year we opened a Monday community pantry. During the
summer funding allowed the pantry to be well stocked with extras such as milk, cheese and
meat. The pantry was very popular but deliveries from Tesco were very unreliable. It was
difficult to run a busy pantry alongside aerobics (both need to run in the hall). A busy pantry
was unsustainable with the space and number of volunteers we had and so we decided to
stop the Tesco delivery and just stock dry/tinned goods. This has worked in reducing the
number of shoppers making the pantry much more manageable. We were then able to
develop a ‘story circle’ in the church space. Each week we listened to someone’s story and
then asked questions. They have been really good times of getting to know each other with
a mixture of people sharing ‘their story’. People have opened up and shared sometimes
difficult stories which has led to others sharing their stories too. It has been a good way to
get to know new people. The stories have led to good discussions or questions such as
should women get married? Or are you born into a faith or do you choose your faith? Our
volunteer team has grown this year to include Emma, Liz from Bolton Abbey, and Shaheen
who attended our Scones and Samosas group before lockdown.