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Sunday 9th July 2023 – PEACE- Breakfast Church

This Sunday is Breakfast Church, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church. We’re continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit, as we think about the third of the list: Peace.

Our reading will be  Luke 24:35-40

Since it is Breakfast Church Sunday there is no live stream of the service this week.


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Heaton Gala  – 8 July 2023

Heaton Gala is tomorrow up at Sr Barnabas Heaton Primary School. We hope you can come to this great community event that we are helping organise with other local partners – if you can please show interest on Facebook to share the event.

Raymond Madden’s Funeral

Most of you will have heard that Raymond Madden sadly died 2 weeks ago.  He was a joyful pianist in our Parish!  He and his wife Jenny were instrumental in Parish prayer and in launching Breakfast Church.  His funeral is at Fountains Church on Wednesday 12 July at 12.30pm

Prayer Vigil for Sudan
We are continuing to pray for Sudan.  Please join with other churches in Bradford to pray for peace on 12 July 2023 7.30pm – St Peters Church Shipley


Over the coming months we are focusing on famous proclamations of faith in the Bible.  To match it we’d love to hear stories from you!

Does anyone have a story about when………

a) You’ve had a victory over something in your life


b) You were called to specific task and how you responded

Sue Jennings – back for a visit

On Thurs 27th July at 7pm, Sue Jennings and her husband Ian will be back in Bradford to tell us about their work in SE Asia – as you know we support them in this work so it would be great if as many as possible could come out to hear them and pray for them.


There are many in our parish who regularly give to the church through a Direct Debit to our bank account. If you do – firstly thank you so much for your generosity! It would be a great help though if you transferred across to using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 20% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too! Please speak to Zarine if you want to know more about it – or click the links!

Fish and Chip Supper

Wednesday 9th August 2023 at Menston Wetherby Whaler 6pm for 6,30pm. The three course meal is £15,45. It is open to everybody. Christine Shinn is organising this and would like numbers.  You can contact her on 01274824003 or see her at St Barnabas on a Wednesday

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