This Sunday we will have a Communion Service on Youtube as is the new ‘normal’. Please subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already done so – https://bit.ly/GHMVideo There is quite a community of us live chatting at 10.30 as the service goes out.
We were fully prepared for our APCM before the Lockdown so we will present some of the things we wanted to say this Sunday as well as a recap of 2019. We will still have an APCM at some point in future but by then I think we’ll be well past thinking about 2019!
Our Report this year is in 2 parts. A short ‘At a Glance’ letter that is 2 sides of A4. You can read or download that here. Farsi version also available. – فارسی
The main Trustees report is far more comprehensive – you can read that here.
We hope you can join us this Sunday – we will have a meeting to look at these reports thoroughly but until then all questions and comments are welcome if you Contact Us.