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Wednesday Morning Prayer 9am

A small group of us normally meet once a week to say morning prayer together and then spend time praying for our parish and those who live and work among us.

In this current season, we have been meeting with video prayers and although not perfect we have it working mostly well and would like to re-invite anyone who want to join us.
The meeting time is 9am every Wednesday and will last between 30-40 mins.
The Readings and Liturgy will be at this link:

You can join us on phone, tablet or laptop.

On a tablet or phone you’ll need an app – which is quick to download. If you’re on the computer Chrome browser is the best to use.
The meeting room is always open – so go and have a look now! If it’s not Wednesday at 9am you’ll be on your own, but you can check it all works beforehand.

To join by phone instead dial 02034815240, then when asked the code is 98830562044# – then press # again to join (no participant number needed!)

Hope to see/hear some of you there!

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