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Sunday 23rd April 2023 – Ready for the Spirit Week 2- All Age Communion

We’re continuing our sermon series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we look forward to Pentecost

This Sunday we have our Parish All Age Communion, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be John 14:15-31

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Sunday 23rd April- APCM

This Sunday we are having our APCM after the service. This is our annual whole church meeting in which we look back at what God has done among us, and receive reports on different areas of Church life. And we look forward asking God what He wants to do next- and we elect Churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod reps, people who will serve the Church in the coming years. If you can stay, please do- all are welcome!  There is a lot of documentation that you need access to for the APCM – that unfortunately is not fully available till tomorrow morning – so stay tuned for another update then!

Sudan Prayer

Bradford Cathedral will be holding a prayer vigil for Sudan on Tuesday 25th April at 5:30pm at which we will be hearing from members of the Sudanese community in Bradford.  All are welcome to this event, but even if you are not able to go we would encourage as many as possible to take that time to pray for an end to the fighting and the restoration of civilian government, and in particular that we remember the church with their opportunities for witness at this time.

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

Emergency Alert

This Sunday 23 April at 3pm the government will be sending a UK-wide Emergency Alerts test message to all compatible devices.  Your phone might need you to take action!


Saturday 22nd April, 2–7pm at St Stephen’s West Bowling

Have you ever wondered how to make a difference with Climate Change?

S Stephen’s Church are hosting an afternoon to explore how climate change affects our local area and what we can do to make a positive change.

Many more details and booking found on their website.

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