Looking forward to seeing many of you at Church on Sunday morning. Our Parish worship service is at 10.30am at St Paul’s Church. This will be an All Age communion service.
We are looking at the famous story when Jesus turned Water into Wine. Our reading will be Mark 1.21–28
To see the live stream of the service click here. We will start streaming at 10.25am
Bubble Church
If you want to know how Bubble Church went last week you can either:
read all about it in the Diocese News
Or come along – 4.30pm this Sunday – St Martin’s Heaton
Saturday Discipleship Brunch
Thanks to all those who came. We really enjoyed our time reading the Bible together – we’re going to have another one on Saturday 3rd February at 10.30 – St Paul’s Manningham
Mission Support
A reminder that we give 5% of all our income away to support Mission. Last year we divided it between Sue and Ian, The Torrens family in Ukraine and Beacon here in Bradford
Here is the Torrens family Christmas News
The PCC agreed this week to continue this for 2024
Lent Retreat with Bishop Toby
Welcome to a Lent retreat led by Bishop Toby, in Bradford Cathedral 17th February 10am-1pm. (9.30am for refreshments)
This retreat will offer opportunities to reflect, pray, be silent and connect with others.
Lent is a time to follow Jesus more closely in our world today and to prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter.
All are welcome. Please do bring along friends and parishioners.
The event is free but it will help to know if you are planning to attend. To book your place, please email carmel.dylak@leeds.anglican.org