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Sunday 30th January – Youth Led Communion Service – The One Leper on the Road

On Sunday we have our Youth leading the Service at St Paul’s Church.

This week the topic is ‘The one leper on the road.’

This will be the last week for this series “On the Road”, it’s been a great series to do with you all. Next week we will move to look at the Letter from James together.

As usual we will livestream this service, see link to join –


In February we will make a small tweak to our service pattern.  We will have 2 services a month when the children and adults learn separately.  On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month.  2nd Sunday is still Breakfast church.  The All Age service will move from the 1st Sunday of the month to the 4th.  We will also try to particularly focus on our international members on the First Sunday of the month.

Torrens family – you may remember that we support the Torrens family ministering in the Ukraine.  You’ll know it is in the news a lot at the moment so please pray for safety and wisdom for them at this complicated time!  If you didn’t know about the Torrens family working in Kyiv, Ukraine you can find out more here. They contributed to one of our Youtube services in June 2020. Sarah used to attend St Philip’s Church.

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away, even though the rules have changed!  Please remember your mask and keep up the hand washing and distancing!



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