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Sunday 18th June 2023 – Proclaim With… Joshua – Parish Communion

This Sunday we are meeting together for our Parish Communion service with Sunday School, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church. We’re continuing our sermon series Proclaiming With… as we explore what God’s people throughout the Bible have said about God and we ask ourselves ‘What have I learned about who God is that I want to tell people about?’

Our Bible reading will be Joshua 24:16-24

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Live Worship

We are meeting again tomorrow (Saturday 17th), 10am at St Pauls, to think about musical worship together. We are still hoping to have more people join, especially if you enjoy singing.


Over the coming months we are focusing on famous proclamations of faith in the Bible.  To match it we’d love to hear stories from you!

Does anyone have a story about when………

a) You felt like the Holy Spirit spoke through you


b) you still trusted God, despite not having clear answers


Over the coming weeks we have 2 important events at Bradford Cathedral

24th June – Ordination of Priests – 3pm.  Emma will be being priested!

25th June – on the Sunday we will be celebrating a LOT! Celebrating Emma’s first celebration of communion – and celebrating Sharon and Daniel’s ministry among us before they move on.  We will do this with our very first Parish Bring and Share Lunch – please bring something to eat, and something to share if you can!

1st July – Ordination of Deacons – 11am.  Daniel, Sharon and Laity will be being ordained Deacon

Please pray for them all over the next few weeks and get in touch if you’d like to come!


There are many in our parish who regularly give to the church through a Direct Debit to our bank account. If you do – firstly thank you so much for your generosity! It would be a great help though if you transferred across to using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 20% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too! Please speak to Zarine if you want to know more about it – or click the links!

Heaton Gala  – 8 July 2023

We hope you can come to this great community event that we are helping organise with other local partners – if you can please show interest on Facebook to share the event.

Sue Jennings – back for a visit

On Thurs 27th July at 7pm, Sue Jennings and her husband Ian will be back in Bradford to tell us about their work in SE Asia – as you know we support them in this work so it would be great if as many as possible could come out to hear them and pray for them.

Fish and Chip Supper

Wednesday 9th August 2023 at Menston Wetherby Whaler 6pm for 6,30pm. The three course meal is £15,45. It is open to everybody. Christine Shinn is organising this and would like numbers.  You can contact her on 01274824003 or see her at St Barnabas on a Wednesday

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Sunday 4th June 2023 – Joy – Breakfast Church

This week we are meeting together for Breakfast Church on Sunday, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church. We’re continuing our Breakfast Church series on the Fruit of the Spirit- this month looking at Joy!

Our Bible reading will be Hebrews 12:1-4

This week there is no livestream of the service.


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Live Worship

Last week we had a great first meeting of a group looking at musical worship. We are meeting again on Saturday 17th, 10am at St Pauls. We are still hoping to have more people join, especially if you enjoy singing.


Over the coming months we are focusing on famous proclamations of faith in the Bible.  To match it we’d love to hear stories from you!

Does anyone have a story about when………

a) You felt like the Holy Spirit spoke through you


b) you made a promise to the Lord and had to live up to it despite the circumstances.


Over the coming weeks we have 2 important events at Bradford Cathedral

24th June – Ordination of Priests – 3pm.  Emma will be being priested!

25th June – on the Sunday we will be celebrating a LOT! Celebrating Emma’s first celebration of communion – and celebrating Sharon and Daniel’s ministry among us before they move on.  We will do this with our very first Parish Bring and Share Lunch – please bring something to eat, and something to share if you can!

1st July – Ordination of Deacons – 11am.  Daniel, Sharon and Laity will be being ordained Deacon

Please pray for them all over the next few weeks and get in touch if you’d like to come!


There are many in our parish who regularly give to the church through a Direct Debit to our bank account. If you do – firstly thank you so much for your generosity! It would be a great help though if you transferred across to using the Parish Giving Scheme. As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 20% we can get on top of your gift. Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too! Please speak to Zarine if you want to know more about it – or click the links!

Heaton Gala  – 8 July 2023

We hope you can come to this great community event that we are helping organise with other local partners – if you can please show interest on Facebook to share the event.

Fish and Chip Supper

Wednesday 9th August 2023 at Menston Wetherby Whaler 6pm for 6,30pm. The three course meal is £15,45. It is open to everybody. Christine Shinn is organising this and would like numbers.  You can contact her on 01274824003 or see her at St Barnabas on a Wednesday

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Sunday 4th June 2023 – Proclaim With…Moses – Parish Communion

This week we’re starting our new sermon series which will take us into the autumn- Proclaiming With… as we explore what God’s people throughout the Bible have said about God and we ask ourselves ‘What have I learned about who God is that I want to tell people about?’

We’re starting by looking at Moses asking God ‘Show me your glory’ at our Parish Communion Service on Sunday, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be Exodus 33:12-23

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June (Tomorrow!) 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.


Over the coming months we are focusing on famous proclamations of faith in the Bible.  To match it we’d love to hear stories from you!

Does anyone have a story about when………

a) You felt like the Holy Spirit spoke through you


b) you made a promise to the Lord and had to live up to it despite the circumstances.


Over the coming weeks we have 2 important events at Bradford Cathedral

24th June – Ordination of Priests – 3pm.  Emma will be being priested!

1st July – Ordination of Deacons – 11am.  Daniel, Sharon and Laity will be being ordained Deacon

Please pray for them all over the next few weeks and get in touch if you’d like to come!

Heaton Gala  – 8 July 2023

We hope you can come to this great community event that we are helping organise with other local partners – if you can please show interest on Facebook to share the event.

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Sunday 28th May 2023 – Ready for the Spirit- Pentecost- All Age Communion

This week we’re concluding our series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we celebrate Pentecost.

This week we have our All Age Parish Communion Service on Sunday, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be Acts 2:1-21  as we think about baptism and the Holy Spirit together.

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.


Over the coming months we are focusing on famous proclamations of faith in the Bible.  To match it we’d love to hear stories from you!

Does anyone have a story about when………

a) You felt God with you.


b) you made a promise to the Lord and had to live up to it despite the circumstances.


Over the coming weeks we have 2 important events at Bradford Cathedral

24th June – Ordination of Priests – 3pm.  Emma will be being priested!

1st July – Ordination of Deacons – 11am.  Daniel, Sharon and Laity will be being ordained Deacon

Please pray for them all over the next few weeks and get in touch if you’d like to come!

Heaton Gala  – 8 July 2023

We hope you can come to this great community event that we are helping organise with other local partners – if you can please show interest on Facebook to share the event.

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Sunday 21st May 2023 – Ready for the Spirit Week 4- Baptism

This week we’re jumping back into our series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we look forward to Pentecost.

This week is especially exciting as we celebrate the Baptism of Lisa Oluchukwu Ogbuji in our service on Sunday, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be Titus 3:3-7 as we think about baptism and the Holy Spirit together.

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Eileen Gunn

Eileen Gunn who usually attends St Barnabas Wednesday Communion service has been recognised for her many years of service at Bradford City Football Stadium.  She is now a member of Sport for Humanity!

You can see what happened here:

Thy Kingdom Come

In these days between celebrating Jesus’ Ascension and Pentecost we are praying, with the Church around the World, for God’s Kingdom to come.  Thy Kingdom Come 2023 they have launched a brand new app which is a one stop shop for access to inspirational daily prayer reflections, videos from ecumenical leaders on the TKC23 daily themes and resources for children and young people. The TKC App is an award winning resource that you can download to guide you through 11 days of prayer and reflection as we pray – Thy Kingdom Come in our lives and communities.

To download TKC23 App use the following links;

For iOS – Thy Kingdom Come on the App Store (

For Android – Thy Kingdom Come – Apps on Google Play

Thy Kingdom Come 11 day video trailer

For a sneak peak at some of the videos we have to come for TKC23, take a look at our trailer – Thy Kingdom Come Trailer – YouTube

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.

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Sunday 14th April 2023 – Breakfast Church – LOVE

This Sunday we have our Parish Breakfast Church at 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

In our Breakfast Church services for the next little while we are going to be going through the Fruit of the Spirit together- starting this Sunday with love, our reading will be John 13:34-35


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Prayer before the service

We meet together each Sunday at 9:30am at St Paul’s to pray for the service and for our world. On Breakfast Church Sundays, we also share Communion together at the 9:30am prayer meeting. All are welcome.

Prayer and Praise

Prayer and Praise is back after breaking for Easter last month! Join us as we gather at St Philip’s Church, Girlington on Sunday at 7pm for a relaxed time of singing worship songs and studying the Bible together.

The Baptism of Lisa Oluchukwu Ogbuji

Next Sunday, 21st May, we’ll be celebrating together as a family as we welcome Charles and Alice’s daughter Lisa to baptism. We’re so looking forward to welcoming Lisa into the Church family! All are welcome so do be inviting people. Please also pray for Charles, Alice, Lisa, and her godparents as they prepare for this service.

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

A big thank you to all who came and helped with Manningham-on-Sea last Sunday! It was great to see so many members of our community join us for worship and for fun!  There are many more pictures on our webpage about it.

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.

Giving by Direct Debit

There are many in our parish who regularly give to the church through a Direct Debit to our bank account.  If you do – firstly thank you so much for your generosity!  It would be a great help though if you transferred across to using the Parish Giving Scheme.  As charity rules, tax claims etc become more complicated it is increasingly becoming a big task to claim back the 20% we can get on top of your gift.  Joining the Parish Giving Scheme makes it all so much easier for us – and easier for you too! Please speak to Zarine if you want to know more about it – or click the links!

Christian Aid Week

It is Christian Aid week this week.  If you want more information or to donate the best option is their really excellent website.

Thy Kingdom Come

Ahead of Thy Kingdom Come 2023 they have launched a brand new app which is a one stop shop for access to inspirational daily prayer reflections, videos from ecumenical leaders on the TKC23 daily themes and resources for children and young people. The TKC App is an award winning resource that you can download to guide you through 11 days of prayer and reflection as we pray – Thy Kingdom Come in our lives and communities.

To download TKC23 App use the following links;

For iOS – Thy Kingdom Come on the App Store (

For Android – Thy Kingdom Come – Apps on Google Play

Thy Kingdom Come 11 day video trailer

For a sneak peak at some of the videos we have to come for TKC23, take a look at our trailer – Thy Kingdom Come Trailer – YouTube



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Sunday 7th May 2023 – Royal Manningham on Sea – Coronation Sunday

This Sunday looks very different! We’re taking a short break from our sermon series and using this Sunday to celebrate with our Community as we host Royal Manningham on Sea!!

Please do join us at St Paul’s Church.

The key times to come along to are:

9am to help us set up!

12pm  A Communion service marking the Coronation of Charles III

From 1pm – A Fun Day at St Paul’s including sand, donkeys, food and more!








As we hope to meet outside to worship there will be no livestream of the service, but if you can’t join us in person, please join us in prayer as we pray for our King, our Community and that all would know Jesus, the King of Kings.


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

The Big Help Out

As part of the King’s coronation bank holiday, on Monday 8th May 2023 we are volunteering our time to litter pick in our neighbourhood with our community.

Time: 11:30am-12:30pm –  Meet outside ‘St Martin’s Church and Community Library’, Haworth Road, BD9 6LL   Please wear weather appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes. All equipment provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.

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Sunday 30th April 2023 – Ready for the Spirit Week 3- Juicy Communion Service

We’re continuing our sermon series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we look forward to Pentecost

This Sunday we have our Juicy All Age Communion, the service where we use our church space a bit differently during the service, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be Galatians 5:16-26  as we think about the Fruit if the Spirit

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Sunday 23rd April- APCM

Thank you to all who came to our APCM last Sunday. If you want to see our lookback at 2022 you can see it here:

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

This Sunday after the service we will be having a walk-through and prayer together.

Please note that next Sunday (7th May), there isn’t a service at 10:30am… instead we’ll be setting up from 9am, having brunch together at 11:30am, and having our act of worship outside at noon before opening to the community at 1:30 pm. Please come and help us as we celebrate with our community!

Live Worship

We are hoping to find those in our Parish who are talented musically and able to lead us in sung worship.  We will hold a meeting on 3rd June 2023 at 10am at St Paul’s for all those interested.


Due to a mix up one of the reports in our APCM booklet was last years!  We’ve corrected the online version – Report and review of 2022

But for clarity here is the correct report for Monday’s Place of Welcome.

Over the last year our numbers have doubled and we now see around 40 people attending
each week. These are mostly new people that haven’t attended our project before or are
new to the church. Around 9 people use the access bus to come to the group. The majority
of people attending are women of Pakistani heritage who live in Manningham, Girlington
and Heaton, five people attend from outside our parish as they have been invited by a
friend. A big draw for people is the seated aerobics with over 25 people choosing to take
part each week and then staying around for conversation and tea/toast. In January we
began work on a piece of community art called ‘Gathered’. Each person worked on their
own gathered fabric circle and then we assembled them all together to make the piece of
art. It’s now hanging on the wall in the hall and people are enjoying seeing their artwork
displayed. We made pancakes for Pancake Day and had conversations about lent and
fasting. The cooking has continued over the year as we began working on a heritage project
about recipes in October. Recipes and stores will be collected and gathered to produce a
book of stories in 2023. This year we opened a Monday community pantry. During the
summer funding allowed the pantry to be well stocked with extras such as milk, cheese and
meat. The pantry was very popular but deliveries from Tesco were very unreliable. It was
difficult to run a busy pantry alongside aerobics (both need to run in the hall). A busy pantry
was unsustainable with the space and number of volunteers we had and so we decided to
stop the Tesco delivery and just stock dry/tinned goods. This has worked in reducing the
number of shoppers making the pantry much more manageable. We were then able to
develop a ‘story circle’ in the church space. Each week we listened to someone’s story and
then asked questions. They have been really good times of getting to know each other with
a mixture of people sharing ‘their story’. People have opened up and shared sometimes
difficult stories which has led to others sharing their stories too. It has been a good way to
get to know new people. The stories have led to good discussions or questions such as
should women get married? Or are you born into a faith or do you choose your faith? Our
volunteer team has grown this year to include Emma, Liz from Bolton Abbey, and Shaheen
who attended our Scones and Samosas group before lockdown.

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Sunday 23rd April 2023 – Ready for the Spirit Week 2- All Age Communion

We’re continuing our sermon series on the Holy Spirit: Ready for the Spirit as we look forward to Pentecost

This Sunday we have our Parish All Age Communion, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be John 14:15-31

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Sunday 23rd April- APCM

This Sunday we are having our APCM after the service. This is our annual whole church meeting in which we look back at what God has done among us, and receive reports on different areas of Church life. And we look forward asking God what He wants to do next- and we elect Churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod reps, people who will serve the Church in the coming years. If you can stay, please do- all are welcome!  There is a lot of documentation that you need access to for the APCM – that unfortunately is not fully available till tomorrow morning – so stay tuned for another update then!

Sudan Prayer

Bradford Cathedral will be holding a prayer vigil for Sudan on Tuesday 25th April at 5:30pm at which we will be hearing from members of the Sudanese community in Bradford.  All are welcome to this event, but even if you are not able to go we would encourage as many as possible to take that time to pray for an end to the fighting and the restoration of civilian government, and in particular that we remember the church with their opportunities for witness at this time.

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

Emergency Alert

This Sunday 23 April at 3pm the government will be sending a UK-wide Emergency Alerts test message to all compatible devices.  Your phone might need you to take action!


Saturday 22nd April, 2–7pm at St Stephen’s West Bowling

Have you ever wondered how to make a difference with Climate Change?

S Stephen’s Church are hosting an afternoon to explore how climate change affects our local area and what we can do to make a positive change.

Many more details and booking found on their website.

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Sunday 16th April 2023 – Ready for the Spirit Week 1- Parish Communion

It was such a joy to journey through Holy Week to Easter Sunday together! But for us as the Church, the joyful celebration of Easter didn’t end on Sunday- it continues for 50 days as we look towards Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

As we celebrate Easter and prepare for Pentecost together, we’re starting a new series on Sunday mornings: Ready for the Spirit.

This Sunday we are kicking off the series at our Parish Communion service, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading will be Romans 8:1-17

To see the live stream of the service click here:


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please stay behind after the service on Sunday and hear more about what you might be able to do!


Saturday 22nd April, 2–7pm at St Stephen’s West Bowling

Have you ever wondered how to make a difference with Climate Change?

S Stephen’s Church are hosting an afternoon to explore how climate change affects our local area and what we can do to make a positive change.

Many more details and booking found on their website.



Sunday 23rd April- APCM

On Sunday 23rd we are having our APCM after the service. This is our annual whole church meeting in which we look back at what God has done among us, and receive reports on different areas of Church life. And we look forward asking God what He wants to do next- and we elect Churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod reps, people who will serve the Church in the coming years.