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Sunday 9th April 2023 -Easter Sunday- All Age Communion

This Sunday we are celebrating the most joyful day of the Christian year- Easter Sunday- at our All Age Communion service, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading this week is Jesus resurrection in Matthew 28.1-10

To see the live stream of the service click here:

At Easter we celebrate that through His death and resurrection, Jesus redeems the whole of creation, death is defeated and new life is available to all who put their trust in Him! This is good news!!

We are thrilled to be able to celebrate this good news with you- so from the GHM Team, we wish you a joyful Easter!


(To get notices on this page please email  – we can’t promise to put all on – but will do our best!)

Easter Services
Easter Sunday- Churches Together Dawn Service on Heaton Hill 6:30am, followed by breakfast in the Village Hall
Easter Sunday- All Age Communion at St Paul’s, 10:30am.

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

A date for your diary!

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle and then stay behind after the service on Sunday 16th April and we’ll talk more about it.

Saturday 22nd April, 2–7pm at St Stephen’s West Bowling

Have you ever wondered how to make a difference with Climate Change?

S Stephen’s Church are hosting an afternoon to explore how climate change affects our local area and what we can do to make a positive change.

Many more details and booking found on their website.

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Sunday 2nd April 2023 – Palm Sunday- Parish Communion

This Sunday marks the start of Holy Week and we begin by heralding Jesus as our king at our Parish Communion service, 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

Our Bible reading this week is Matthew 21.1-11

To see the live stream of the service click here:


Holy Week and Easter
Holy Week is a really special and important time for Christians as we remember Jesus’ death. To mark this week we are going to meet together to walk the way of the Cross with the Lord.
Palm Sunday – Communion service with Sunday School – St Paul’s 10.30am
Holy Wednesday – Communion service at St Barnabas 10:30am.
Maundy Thursday- A Meal in the Upper Room at St Paul’s 7pm.
Good Friday – A service for reflection at St Barnabas 2:30pm.
low angle view of cross with red garment
Easter Sunday- Churches Together Dawn Service on Heaton Hill 6:30am, followed by breakfast in the Village Hall
Easter Sunday- All Age Communion at St Paul’s, 10:30am.
Electoral Roll
If you have been attending our church for a while and are not on our Electoral Roll we would love you to officially join our church – you can do this over the next few weeks.  Also we will be removing some people from the Roll who have moved away and can no longer attend.  Sorry about this, it doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten you – it’s just housekeeping!

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

A date for your diary!

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle and then stay behind after the service on Sunday 16th April and we’ll talk more about it.

Saturday 22nd April, 2–7pm at St Stephen’s West Bowling

Have you ever wondered how to make a difference with Climate Change?

S Stephen’s Church are hosting an afternoon to explore how climate change affects our local area and what we can do to make a positive change.  Many more details and booking found on their website.

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Sunday 26th March 2023 – Encounters with Jesus: The Dead Man – All Age

This week we have our All Age Communion service at 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

We’re continuing our sermon series on Encounters with Jesus as we journey towards Holy Week and Easter. This week we are thinking about how Jesus encounters the Dead Man and brings about new life!!

Our Bible reading this week is John 11:1-45

To see the live stream of the service click here:


Our final Lent Course session is tomorrow- Saturday at St Paul’s – not too late to join!  10.30am
We’ll also be focusing on Encounters with Jesus at those sessions together.
The Clocks go forward!
The clocks go forward on Saturday night, meaning we lose an hour of sleep but gain lots of lighter evenings!
round black and white analog alarm clock
This a reminder to make sure your clocks go forward so that you don’t miss out on our meeting together on Sunday!!
Holy Week and Easter
Holy Week is a really special and important time for Christians as we remember Jesus’ death. To mark this week we are going to meet together to walk the way of the Cross with the Lord.
Palm Sunday – Communion service with Sunday School – St Paul’s 10.30am
Holy Wednesday – Communion service at St Barnabas 10:30am.
Maundy Thursday- A Meal in the Upper Room at St Paul’s 7pm.
Good Friday – A service for reflection at St Barnabas 2:30pm.
low angle view of cross with red garment
Easter Sunday- Churches Together Dawn Service on Heaton Hill 6:30am, followed by breakfast in the Village Hall
Easter Sunday- All Age Communion at St Paul’s, 10:30am.
Electoral Roll
If you have been attending our church for a while and are not on our Electoral Roll we would love you to officially join our church – you can do this over the next few weeks.  Also we will be removing some people from the Roll who have moved away and can no longer attend.  Sorry about this, it doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten you – it’s just housekeeping!

Royal Manningham-on-Sea

A date for your diary!

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle.

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Sunday 12th March 2023 – Encounters with Jesus: The Paralysed Man – Breakfast Church

This week we meet together for Breakfast Church at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.

As we journey through Lent, we are continuing to look at Encounters with Jesus- this week we’re looking at the story of the paralysed man in John 5:1-15

This is the week where we do not live stream our service


Our Lent Course continues on Saturday mornings, at St Paul’s
We’ll also be focusing on Encounters with Jesus at those sessions together.
Parish Teams Meeting
On Tuesday we met to rethink our Parish teams – and to identify what is falling through the cracks.  What can we do about it?  You can read the report here.

Lent Retreat

Saturday 11 March, Bishop Toby is holding a Lent retreat at Bradford Cathedral from 10am to 1pm. With a  beautiful space and time set apart to reflect together, to be quiet and to pray. Anyone is welcome, whether new to retreats or seasoned retreaters


Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (our yearly whole Church meeting) is happening on Sunday 23rd April after the service.

Please put the date in your diary and come along!

As part of our preparation for this meeting, we are updating our electoral roll – the list of people who can vote at our meetings and stand for election. If you’ve been part of our Church for more than six months, are 16 or over and baptised, we would love you to be on the electoral roll! Please speak to one of us.


A date for your diary!

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle.

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Sunday 5th March 2023 – Encounters with Jesus: The Teacher – Communion

This week is our International Communion service at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.

We’re continuing our sermon series on Encounters with Jesus, reflecting on one of the most famous chapters in the Bible, John 3, as we see Nicodemus encounter Jesus.

So, our Bible reading this week is John 3:1-17

To see the live stream of the service click here:


Our Lent Course is starting on the 4th March, on Saturday mornings, at St Paul’s
We’ll also be focusing on Encounters with Jesus at those sessions together.
Parish Teams

We’re looking at re-launching our parish teams, as we think about how we can best serve the parish together.

To think about this together, we are holding a meeting at St Paul’s on the 7th March at 7:30pm.

All our parish teams will be meeting together on that day. And anyone else who would like to get involved in parish teams or hear about the way we run the day-to-day life of the parish are welcome!

Lent Retreat

Saturday 11 March, Bishop Toby is holding a Lent retreat at Bradford Cathedral from 10am to 1pm. With a  beautiful space and time set apart to reflect together, to be quiet and to pray. Anyone is welcome, whether new to retreats or seasoned retreaters


A date for your diary!

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle.

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Sunday 26th February 2023 – Encounters with Jesus: The Devil – All Age Communion

This week is our All Age Communion service at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.

In the season of Lent, our sermon series focuses on Encounters with Jesus in the gospel accounts- we’re kicking off this week thinking about temptation with Jesus in the desert.

Our Bible reading is Matthew 4:1-11

To see the live stream of the service click here:


Our Lent Course is starting on the 4th March, on Saturday mornings, at St Paul’s Church (Not St Barnabas Village Hall as we said before!)
We’ll also be focusing on Encounters with Jesus at those sessions together.
Parish Teams

We’re looking at re-launching our parish teams, as we think about how we can best serve the parish together.

To think about this together, we are holding a meeting at St Paul’s on the 7th March at 7:30pm.

All our parish teams will be meeting together on that day. And anyone else who would like to get involved in parish teams or hear about the way we run the day-to-day life of the parish are welcome!


The Ark Charity Shop – Heights Lane, Heaton

Please could you volunteer to help sort donations or help on the till for a few hours? If you’re willing to help, please call at the shop or speak to Heather or Joanna. Volunteers needed particularly on Wednesday or Thursday.



A date for your diary!

On Sunday 7th May, following the King’s Coronation, we are having a day of fun at Manningham-on-Sea at St Pauls!

There is much to be done to make this a fun and celebratory day in our community and we’d love your help.

If you would like to be involved, please talk to Emma, Clare or Michelle.

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Sunday 19th February 2023 – The Lord’s Prayer – Parish Communion

This week we have our Parish Communion service with Sunday School at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.

As we approach the season of Lent we are drawing our series on the Sermon on the Mount to a close, as we look at Jesus teaching us to pray with the Lord’s Prayer.

Our Bible reading will be from Matthew 6:5-15

To see the live stream of the service click here:


The Holy Season of Lent begins this week!
On Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, we’re having pancakes and games at St Martin’s. 3pm
This Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, we’ll be marking the start of Lent at St Barnabas with a service of Communion and an opportunity to receive ashes.
We’ll also be running a Lent Course on Saturday mornings, starting on Saturday 4th March.
Parish Teams
We’re looking at re-launching our parish teams, as we think about how we can best serve the parish together.

To think about this together, we are holding a meeting at St Paul’s on the 7th March at 7:30pm.

All our parish teams will be meeting together on that day. And anyone else who would like to get involved in parish teams or hear about the way we run the day-to-day life of the parish are welcome!

The Ark Charity Shop – Heights Lane, Heaton

Please could you volunteer to help sort donations or help on the till for a few hours? If you’re willing to help, please call at the shop or speak to Heather or Joanna. Volunteers needed particularly on Wednesday or Thursday.

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Sunday 12th February 2023 – Love your Enemies – Breakfast Church


We’re meeting for Breakfast Church at 10:30am this Sunday at St Paul’s Church.

We’ll be continuing to think about the Sermon on the Mount as we listen to Jesus tell us to love our enemies. Our Bible reading will be from Matthew 5:38-48


This week there will be no Live stream of the service.



Inn Churches/ Prayer and Praise
Thank you for praying for and serving at Inn Churches this week!
Since our guests are still with us on Sunday evening, there will be no Prayer and Praise this weekend.
The Season of Lent is just around the corner!
On Ash Wednesday (22nd Feb) we’ll be marking the start of Lent at our Wednesday Communion service at St Barnabas.
We’ll also be running a Lent Course on Saturday mornings, starting on Saturday 4th March.
Parish Teams

We’re looking at re-launching our parish teams, as we think about how we can best serve the parish together.

To think about this together, we are holding a meeting at St Pauls on the 7th March at 7:30pm.

All our parish teams will be meeting together on that day. And anyone else who would like to get involved in parish teams or hear about the way we run the day-to-day life of the parish are welcome!


The Ark Charity Shop – Heights Lane, Heaton

Please could you volunteer to help sort donations or help on the till for a few hours?  If you’re willing to help, please call at the shop or speak to Heather or Joanna.  Volunteers needed particularly on Wednesday or Thursday.

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Sunday 5th February 2023 – Salt and Light- International Communion


This Sunday we’ve got our International Communion and Sunday School at 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

We’ll be continuing to think about Jesus’ most famous sermon- the Sermon on the Mount as we consider what it means to be Salt and Light in the world. Our Bible reading will be the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:13-16

The Live stream for our service can be found at:



Inn Churches
We are hosting this coming week, (6th-13th February) at St Philip’s Church.  We would still love as many volunteers as possible.  Providing meals, preparing breakfast, staying overnight etc. Also if you are able to donate any men’s socks or boxer shorts so we can bless our guests that would be much appreciated. Please speak to Susan Mitchell about it if you can help.

Candles in the Dark – LyCiG event
This Sunday, February 5, 6pm; Bradford Cathedral: Every church a beacon, every one of us a candle.

A celebration of worship, inspiration and encouragement for everyone who wants to see their church growing, with the Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster.

‘Candles in the Dark’ is organised by the diocesan LyCiG team.

Global Justice film night

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Sunday 29th January 2023 – The Beatitudes- Juicy

This Sunday we’re meeting all together for our ‘Juicy’ service, where we do things a bit differently! We try to break up our traditional style of church and use our building in different ways.  We’re meeting at 10:30am at St Paul’s Church.

We’ll be starting our series on the Sermon on the Mount in the run-up to Lent, and our Bible reading will be the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12

The Live stream for our service can be found at:


Inn Churches
We are hosting this from the 6th to the 13th February at St Philip’s Church.  We would love as many volunteers as possible.  Providing meals, preparing breakfast, staying overnight etc.  Please speak to Susan Mitchell about it if you can help.

Candles in the Dark – LyCiG event
Sunday, February 5, 6pm; Bradford Cathedral: Every church a beacon, every one of us a candle.

A celebration of worship, inspiration and encouragement for everyone who wants to see their church growing, with the Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster.

‘Candles in the Dark’ is organised by the diocesan LyCiG team.

Global Justice film night